Oesophagal foreign Bodies Ingestion: Experience of 109 Cases

Firas Shaker Mahmoud Al-Faham (1) , Samer Makki Mohamed Al-Hakkak (2) , Laith Fathi F Sharba (3)
(1) Department of Surgery, College of Medicine, Karbala University, Iraq, Iraq ,
(2) Department of Surgery, Faculty of Medicine, Jabir Ibn Hayyan Medical University, Iraq, Iraq ,
(3) Department of Surgery, Faculty of Medicine, Jabir Ibn Hayyan Medical University, Iraq, Iraq


Esophageal foreign bodies ingestion is a worldwide surgical issue in pediatric age group while less likely in adults. We estimate endoscopic, clinical and therapeutic sides of this situation in the surgical department in Al-Hussein Teaching Hospital, Karbala city, Iraq and in Al-Sader Medical City, Najaf city, Iraq. The study made to revise our experience for all patients admitted to our hospitals with a diagnosis of oesophagal foreign bodies and their treatments and outcome. The medical registrations resolved concerning demographic information, symptoms presented, investigation and treatments. We revised 109 (61 males and 48 females) patients ranged from 4 months to 65 years with (median age of 2 years). Coins most repeatedly ingested objects (27.5%), miscellaneous metal objects (17.4%), batteries (13.8%) and food (9.2%). The clinical features we encountered vomiting (27.5%), dysphagia (22.9%), asymptomatic (15.6%), drooling and food refusal (12.8 %) and foreign body sensation (8.3%). Usually X-ray screen finding the foreign body in 89(81%) patients. Magill forceps and rigid oesophagoscope performed within six hours from admission under general anaesthesia and from 12-48 from time of ingestion. Foreign body Impaction in the hypopharynx and the upper part of the oesophagus (68.8%) middle part (23%) and the lower part (8.2 %). 100 (91.7%) patients recovered completely without any complications, 9 (18.3%) patient get bleeding, mucosal ulceration and infection which treated successfully.

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Firas Shaker Mahmoud Al-Faham
Samer Makki Mohamed Al-Hakkak
sammerhakak1971@yahoo.com (Primary Contact)
Laith Fathi F Sharba
Firas Shaker Mahmoud Al-Faham, Samer Makki Mohamed Al-Hakkak, & Laith Fathi F Sharba. (2020). Oesophagal foreign Bodies Ingestion: Experience of 109 Cases. International Journal of Research in Pharmaceutical Sciences, 11(4), 7410–7416. Retrieved from https://ijrps.com/home/article/view/2232

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