Elevated Blood Lead Results in oxidative stress and Alters the Antioxidants of Silver Jewellery Labors

Mandakini S Kshirsagar (1) , Arun J Patil (2) , Jyotsna A Patil (3)
(1) Department of Biochemistry, Krishna Institute of Medical Sciences, Karad-415539, Maharashtra, India, India ,
(2) Department of Biochemistry, Krishna Institute of Medical Sciences, Karad-415539, Maharashtra, India, India ,
(3) Department of Biochemistry, Krishna Institute of Medical Sciences, Karad-415539, Maharashtra, India, India


This study is designed to find out the present status of PbB level and its adverse effect on oxidative stress and antioxidant of Silver Jewellery Workers (SJW). Forty-two SJW of having an age range of 20-45 years were included for this study and compared with 50 healthy male subjects of the same age-matched. All biochemical investigations were determined by using standard methods. In this study, we found significantly increased PbB level (325%), serum lipid peroxide (191%) and significantly decreased antioxidant enzymes like superoxide dismutase (-37.83%), Catalase (-27.64%), Ceruloplasmin (-10.2%), Nitric oxide (-36.54%) in silver jewellery workers as compared to control subjects. PbB level positively correlated with lipid peroxide (0.46) and negatively correlated with superoxide dismutase (-0.31), Catalase (-0.30), Ceruloplasmin (-0.20) and Nitric oxide (-0.28) were observed in study subjects. Therefore we have planned this study to know the oxidative stress and antioxidant status of silver jewellery workers and we found that blood lead level results in oxidative stress and alters antioxidant enzymes of silver jewellery workers and to reduce this oxidative stress it is indispensable to decrease PbB level of silver jewellery workers by taking vitamins, minerals and using activated carbon fabric mask which can prevent the health hazards of lead.

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Mandakini S Kshirsagar
Arun J Patil
drarunpatil69@yahoo.com (Primary Contact)
Jyotsna A Patil
Mandakini S Kshirsagar, Arun J Patil, & Jyotsna A Patil. (2020). Elevated Blood Lead Results in oxidative stress and Alters the Antioxidants of Silver Jewellery Labors. International Journal of Research in Pharmaceutical Sciences, 11(4), 7254–7258. Retrieved from https://ijrps.com/home/article/view/2088

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