In Siddha system Arsenics are called as Paasaanam (toxins). Veeram is one of the p aasaanam, its chemical formula is Hg2Cl2 (Calomel). Internally arsenic based medicines are used for rheumatoid arthritis, generalized body pain, syphilis, epilepsy and cancer. Various organic agents are used to purify the veeram such as milk, tender coconut, bitter guard and lemon juice. In this study raw veeram and products obtained after purification were analyzed using FTIR Spectroscopy with a view to understand the need and mechanism of this purification processes. FTIR analysis was carried out before and after purification. Efforts were made to study various chemical changes veeram undergoes during this process. FTIR of the raw Veeram and its processed samples were recorded between 4000-400 cm−1. In the study raw drug showed only nine functional groups in the region between 3789.36 cm−1 and 468.75 cm−1. Bitter gourd treated veeram peaks were observed in the region between 3526.99 and 476.62 cm−1 and a total of 13- peaks were obtained. Milk treated veeram showed peaks in the region between 3851.10 and 470.39 cm−1 and total of 16- peaks were obtained. This method indicated presence of large number of functional groups. Lemon juice treated veeram showed peaks in between 3839.33 and 471.99 cm-1 total of 15-peaks were obtained. Tender coconut veeram peaks were observed in between 3877.84 and 477.33 cm−1 and total of 15-peaks were obtained. From this data number of functional groups increased in purified samples which indicated that the toxic veeram is not only detoxified but also interacted with functional groups of purifying agents there by therapeutic potency is enhanced.
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