Airway Management of COVID 19 and Low Cost Ventilators - A boon or bane

Shristi Verma (1)
(1) Jawaharlal Nehru Medical College, Datta Meghe Institute of Medical Sciences, Wardha, Maharashtra, India, India


 Corona viruses are a large group of infectants that caused illness in humans and animals. In human it spreads through contact between people which is observed with MERS and SARS. Close contact leads to the spread of this deadly virus through the droplets from cough, sneezes or talks. The incubation period ranges between 2-14 days which is still uncertain in many a lot of cases. Depending on the symptoms disease has been categorized for the management, thus mild symptoms with sore throat, fever, cough and malaise are treated with antipyretic and antitussives with nutritive care. For moderate symptoms oxygen therapy, Anticoagulation, corticosteroids is given with antiviral drugs, demand for the supply must be maintained. WRT the severe cases drug therapy should be continued and oxygenation maintained early in the disease, with the progression of disease to ARDS ventilation protocol is taken into action firstly with non-invasive procedure supplying oxygen by the mask or the nasal cannula and maintaining the SpO2 and FiO2. If the condition worsens the Lung no longer acts compliant endotracheal intubation is performed for implementation of mechanical ventilation in the setting with access to expertise. For the patients who undergoes septic shock, patient is started on antimicrobial therapy, fluid loadings maintained and vasopressors given. Glucocorticoids can be used for short duration for the worsening condition of the patient. Their raised a situation of scarcity of ventilators, suddenly with the pandemic in the country alarming the under preparation of the demand for the present and future. Thus, by going local the ideology of low-cost ventilators happened.

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Shristi Verma (Primary Contact)
Shristi Verma. (2020). Airway Management of COVID 19 and Low Cost Ventilators - A boon or bane. International Journal of Research in Pharmaceutical Sciences, 11((SPL 1), 1682–1688. Retrieved from

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