The most recent severe acute respiratory condition corona infection outburst has overwhelmed an ill-equipped nature among a festival season. It was first appeared on December 1, 2019, Wuhan (China) and recognized as a coronavirus and has spread worldwide. The manifestations are fever, discomfort and cough which resolve in a couple of days yet may advance to an extreme in most of the cases, but if any comorbidity exists in the form of diabetes, hypertension or any other debilitating systemic disease, then it can lead to grave prognosis. It spread mainly from one person to another through air droplet. Although no vaccines have been discovered yet but still scientists are working relentlessly to find one. Thus, the society has must think about the complementary and alternative medicinal system. India has its traditional medicine “AYUSH”, which comprises of Ayurveda, Yoga, Unani, Siddha, and Homeopathy. This review mainly aims to summarize the point’s alternative to allopathy. AYUSH helps in immune system boosting, act as an antiviral, anti-inflammatory, stress release. It has been reported in the literature that it has no side effect and is safe to use. So this current situation provides an opportunity to employ ancient traditional medicine to take part and try to deal in the best way to withstand covid-19.
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