Biotelemetry is a method of measuring a persons’s Bio-electrical parameters and a Physio-logical parameters from a distance. It’s like a updation of existing methods of measuring physiological parameters and bioelectrical parameters to a method of transmission of resulting data. This will help the consulting doctor for making a better diagnosis without movement or ensuring mobility of both the doctor and patient. Here the parameters of the wireless remote medical system for health monitoring include body temperature, blood oxygen saturation, pulse, electrocardiogram and Electrooculography. In order to measure, monitor and updating the data we require five sensors for each respective parameter so the respective five sensors are AD8232 sensor for measuring Electrocardiogram, pulse sensor for measuring pulse, EOG sensor for measuring Electrooculography, Max30100 sensor for measuring oxygen levels in blood and finally LM35 sensor used for measuring the hotness or coldness of a body. These are connected as one system using Arduino. Transferring of data to the cloud or update the data in cloud, whatever the data came from the sensors will be sent to a WiFi module called Node MCU ESP8266, through which the data will be uploaded on cloud platforms like Ubidots and Things speak. Finally from this Paper it gives the concept of Bio-Telemetry System, in other words a Medical Telemetry System. This system allows continuous monitoring of a patient’s health condition, as well as updating that respective data into their medical history like cloud platform, thus improving the efficiency of nursing care through more effective time management.
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