Healthcare workers (HCWs) are the professional workers directly acquired infection during this coronavirus outbreak. Coronavirus potentially severe acute respiratory infection caused by nCOVID-19 has been declared by pandemic on 11th March 2020 by Word health organisation (WHO). The previous study has reported high susceptibility of respiratory infection in the HCWs. The HCWs are at increased risk for severe respiratory syndrome coronavirus infection. The spread of coronavirus became global public health event, threatening physical and Mental Health of HCWs. This study reviews the possible risk factors for being infected HCWs and avoid transmission of infection at the workplace. Spreading the coronavirus day by day is the life-threatening condition for Health care workers during a pandemic. The community should understand the HCW’s increased responsibility during this public health emergency and must provide the necessary social support as well. There should be enough protective and preventive measures for avoiding transmission in HCWs. Apart from heavy duties HCWs while using PPEs they also have physical and mental exhaustion along with the fear produced out of risk-specific exposures.
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