An unanticipated outburst of pneumonia of inexperienced aetiology in Wuhan, Hubei, China stated in December 2019. World health organization has recognized pathogen and termed it COVID-19. COVID-19 turned out to be a severe urgency in the entire world. The influence of this viral syndrome is now an intensifying concern. Covid-19 has changed our mutual calculus of ambiguity. It is more world-wide in possibility, more deeply impactful, and much more difficult than any catastrophe that countries and organizations have ever faced. The next normal requires challenging ambiguity head-on and building it into decision-making. It is examined that every entity involved in running supply chains would require to go through major compliances as employee, product, facility sanitization protocols, and transport would have to be in place. It is an urgent need of structuring to apply the lessons well-read for our supply chain setup. With higher managers now being aware of the intrinsic hazards in their supply chain, key take-aways and suggestions-recommendations will help to guide leader to commit to a newly planned, more consistent supply chain setup. Besides, the employees’ mental health is also a great concern.
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