Implant dentistry has grown to be one of the topmost earning disciplines of dentistry, and hence there is a migration of practitioners towards it. Since the last few years, here is a sudden growth in the number of dental inserts placed per year. And hence many complications that are associated with implant dentistry are on the rise. This article concentrates on some of the complications that are associated with implant placement during the operative procedure and immediate postoperative time period. Delayed complications as failure to osseointegrate and Peri Implantitis is are not discussed in this article. A proper informed consent needs to be documented. It is absolutely necessary to include complications like bleeding, swelling, post-operative infection, facial discoloration, paraesthesia, hypersensitivity, loose teeth, trismus and pain. And major complications can be defined as a complication that may need additional treatments and can cause irreversible damages. Treatment of sinusitis incorporates foundational treatment with anti-toxins, chlorhexidine mouthwashes, water systems with saline through the nasal opening, and the utilization of nasal decongestants. In the event that the disease exacerbates or an ousted embed is in the sinus, revolutionary correction medical procedure of the maxillary sinus will be required and the antral mucosa totally eliminated.
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