Assessment of Interleukin-6 in Young Swimmers Suffering from Myofascial Pain Syndrome Using LidocainePhonophoresis: A Randomized Controlled Trial

Mohamed Abdel-Moneim Abo-EL-Roos (1) , Emam Hassan El-Negmy (2) , SamahAttia El-Shemy (3) , Asser Abdel-Hay Sallam (4)
(1) Master in Physical Therapy for Pediatrics, Department of Physical Therapy for pediatrics, Cairo University, Egypt, Egypt ,
(2) Department of Physical Therapy for Pediatrics, Faculty of Physical Therapy, Cairo University, Cairo, Egypt, Egypt ,
(3) Department of Physical Therapy for Pediatrics, Faculty of Physical Therapy, Cairo University, Cairo, Egypt, Egypt ,
(4) Department of Orthopedic Surgery, Suez Canal University, Ismailia, Egypt, Egypt


To investigate interleukin-6 in athletic children suffering from myofascial pain syndrome (MPS) using lidocaine phonophoresis. Myofascial pain syndrome is considered a major health dilemma affecting both adults and children due to overuse injuries. Moreover, it is one of the most common conditions of chronic musculoskeletal pain of patient's in general medical practice. The exact cause of MPS is unidentified. However, it could be diagnosed among physicians by the presence of hypersensitive nodules referred to as myofascial trigger points (MTrPs) within a taut bands of skeletal muscle. Forty five young swimmers(boys) with MPS in the upper trapezius muscle (10 - 14 years old) participated in the study. Assessment of serum interleukine-6, functional activities and cervical range of motion were measured before and after treatment. They were randomly assigned to three groups (n=15 in each), first one kept as a control group (A) and allocated to special designed physical therapy program. Equally, study groups received similar physical therapy program assumed to the control. Treatment submission was assembled as 40 minutes, 3 times / week for three consecutive months. After treatment there was a significant enhancement within the control and study groups. Group C revealed a higher degree of response to treatment. Both lidocaine phonophoresis and special designed physical therapy program simultaneously could provide very useful and interesting treatment of neck pain in youth athletes using IL-6 as a tool of diagnosis.

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Mohamed Abdel-Moneim Abo-EL-Roos (Primary Contact)
Emam Hassan El-Negmy
SamahAttia El-Shemy
Asser Abdel-Hay Sallam
Mohamed Abdel-Moneim Abo-EL-Roos, Emam Hassan El-Negmy, SamahAttia El-Shemy, & Asser Abdel-Hay Sallam. (2020). Assessment of Interleukin-6 in Young Swimmers Suffering from Myofascial Pain Syndrome Using LidocainePhonophoresis: A Randomized Controlled Trial. International Journal of Research in Pharmaceutical Sciences, 11(2), 2731–2740. Retrieved from

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