Gestational Diabetes Mellitus (GDM) is one of the most common medical complication in pregnancy and is a severe and neglected threat to maternal and child health. The objective of this study is to investigate risk factors, and maternal and fetal outcomes of GDM. This helps us understand if every pregnant woman should be made aware of GDM and its control measures, to reduce its incidence and complications associated with it. This was a hospital-based prospective observational study carried out for 6 months, in in-patients of the Obstetrics and Gynaecology Department. 65 subjects were recruited based on our inclusion and exclusion criteria. Consent was collected. Necessary details were gathered using the self-designed data collection form and validated questionnaires. Based on the data collected, descriptive and inferential statistics were performed. According to our study major risk factors identified were increased maternal age, multigravida, high BMI, and poor knowledge, attitude, and practice (KAP) towards GDM. The most common maternal complication observed was maternal distress 55 (84.61%). The most common fetal complication was low APGAR score at 1 min 20 (30.77%). A moderate positive correlation was observed between the level of knowledge and practice towards GDM which was statistically significant. According to our study there are modifiable risk factors including high BMI and poor knowledge about the disease. Pregnancies complicated with GDM are associated with adverse maternal and fetal outcomes. Thus, there is a need to create awareness about GDM and its control measures, among pregnant women and women planning for pregnancy.
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