Changes in keratometry readings and Pterygium induced astigmatism after Pterygium excision

Mohammed Qasim Al Nuwaini (1) , Hyder M. AL.Talaqani (2) , Giyathaldeen T. Neameh (3) , Mustafa A. Al Zubaidi Md (4)
(1) Department of Ophthalmologist, Faculty of medicine jabber Ibn Hayyen medical university, Najaf, Iraq, Iraq ,
(2) Department of Ophthalmologist, Faculty of medicine Kufa university, Kufa, Iraq, Iraq ,
(3) Department of Ophthalmologist, Faculty of medicine jabber Ibn Hayyen medical university, Najaf, Iraq, Iraq ,
(4) Department of Ophthalmic, Al Sadder teaching hospital, Najaf, Iraq, Iraq


Pterygium can cause deterioration of vision by distortion the corneal smooth surface, and so induce astigmatism usually with the rule type, which is reversible by Pterygium excision surgery So the aim of this study to evaluate prospectively, the change in keratometeric readings and corneal refractive status after pterygium excision surgery a case series study (117 eyes). It was carried out over a period of 9 months from 1st  month of 2018, for patients were admitted to the departments of ophthalmology at Najaf city. All patients underwent preoperative optometric assessment. All data collected preoperatively then one month postoperatively. Data analysis and comparison then performed. The findings of this study were that Pterygium is more prevalent in males than females, (81% to19%), and more prevalent in young to middle-aged people between (30-45 years 59%), grade II (45%) are presented. This study also found that keratometric (K1,K2) readings in all grades are significantly reduced postoperatively. Astigmatism associated with pterygium at all grades also showed significant improvement. This improvement also applied to visual acuity, which improves in (64%) one month postoperatively. We conclude that Pterygium excision, associated with significant improvement in refraction and keratometeric readings. And we suggested for eye protection should be considered, when spending a long time work outdoor, like proper polarized and UV filter sunglasses, also if possible avoid work outdoor during sunny and hot days. Surgical excision of Pterygium in the early stages will result in better visual rehabilitation.

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Mohammed Qasim Al Nuwaini (Primary Contact)
Hyder M. AL.Talaqani
Giyathaldeen T. Neameh
Mustafa A. Al Zubaidi Md
Mohammed Qasim Al Nuwaini, Hyder M. AL.Talaqani, Giyathaldeen T. Neameh, & Mustafa A. Al Zubaidi Md. (2020). Changes in keratometry readings and Pterygium induced astigmatism after Pterygium excision. International Journal of Research in Pharmaceutical Sciences, 11(2), 2673–2678. Retrieved from

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