Psychosis is a gathering of genuine sicknesses that influence the brain. About 2% of the populace experiences psychosis worldwide. As of now accessible advertised medications like clozapine, risperidone has some genuine antagonistic impacts. Hence there is no agreeable cure available for avoidance and the executives of psychosis. We have correlated the toxicity of various synthetic drugs (Risperidone and Clozapine) with that of the mango bark extract and assessed the proficiency of the natural medicines by building up social test on zebrafish model followed by the teratogenicity investigation of the chemical drugs just as herbal medications. Bradycardia, increased amount of deaths in embryos were observed during the toxicity monitoring of chemical medications, and in terms of teratogenicity bending of tail, oedema, loss of blood circulation and coagulative death of eggs were also found in acute toxicity study. On the other hand, the mango bark did show a very high range LC50 value inferring low toxicity of the extract. Also, the extract did not show any significant teratogenicity and gave good results in the behavioural assay. With such high rate of toxicity and teratogenic effect of chemical drugs on the fish embryo, it can be estimated to show some teratogenicity in humans too, as we have the right amount of similar genes with that of zebrafish thus an alternative to such chemical drugs can be the mango bark extract which showed low toxicity rate and almost negligible teratogenicity and even its anti-psychotic property is not compromised. Hence with further modifications and investigations, the mango bark extract can be thought of as an alternative to that of the current chemical drugs with the elimination of unnecessary side-effects.
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