Diabetes mellitus type 2 (DMT2) with thyroid disorders are common endocrine disorders, and both of them mostly come close in any clinical practice. Hormones of the thyroid gland can influence carbohydrate metabolism. On the other side, there is a degree of insulin resistance in DMT2. The study aimed is to determine the prevalence of thyroid dysfunctions in DMT2. A cross-sectional study was done enrolling 100 participants included, (n= 40) men, and (n= 60) women, their age ranged between 20-90 years old. Evaluation for thyroid status and assessment of T3, T4, and TSH levels were done. The results were 60% euthyroid, 33% hypothyroid, and 7% hyperthyroid cases from 100 patients with diabetes mellitus; among them, 17% in young adults, 49% in middle age, and 34% in the old age patients, the diabetic patients’ results comprised between both sexes were 40% male and 60% females. In a comparison between rural and urban patients, the results were 44% rural and 56% urban. The study found there’s 22% of thyroid dysfunction patients were with family history, and 42% of DM patients with family history, besides, there is 28% of patients suffered from hypertension and 33% of patients were smokers. So, the study showed a high prevalence of dysfunction among those with DMT2, especially hypothyroidism. Family history and DM might be pre-existing factors to the development of thyroid dysfunction. Hypertension and tobacco smoking might be a risk factor for thyroid dysfunction.
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