Clinicohistopathological profile of malignant and pre-malignant lesions of oral cavity

Sunil V Jagtap (1) , Jyoti Tele (2)
(1) Department of Pathology, Krishna Institute of Medical Sciences, Deemed University, Karad, Maharashtra, Pin: 415539, India, India ,
(2) Department of Pathology, Krishna Institute of Medical Sciences, Deemed University, Karad, Maharashtra, Pin: 415539, India, India


The present study on oral cavity lesions was a descriptive, analytical and observational study consists of total 173 cases, amongst which 38 cases were of pre-malignant lesions while 135 were of malignant lesions. A male preponderance was noted in both pre-malignant and malignant lesions. A maximum number of cases in pre-malignant lesions was from 50-59 years of age group while in case of malignant lesions a bit early age of presentation was noted, i.e. 40-49 years. Most of them were habituated to tobacco—the most common site of involvement for both, oral pre-cancer and cancer was the oral cavity. Leukoplakia was precancerous lesion (55.26%). The variant in the study was verrucous carcinoma. The predominant piece of the oral squamous cell carcinoma was a lot of isolated types. The current review was essentially indistinguishable with various examinations. The study noted a relatively late age of presentation of pre-malignant lesions. This delay could be explained by multiple factors like ignorance and lacking in medical facilities. In this scenario, many patients progress to full-blown malignancy. This examination reflects that there is a tendency to expose issues and instruct individuals concerning unfavourable impacts of liquor and tobacco usage, the significance of dental tidiness, oral self-appraisal and the openness of preventive services organizations.

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Sunil V Jagtap (Primary Contact)
Jyoti Tele
Sunil V Jagtap, & Jyoti Tele. (2020). Clinicohistopathological profile of malignant and pre-malignant lesions of oral cavity. International Journal of Research in Pharmaceutical Sciences, 11(4), 5729–5734. Retrieved from

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