Prophylactic Effects of Tomato and Lemon Juices on Castrated Healthy Local Male Rabbits

Muntaha Mahmoud Al-Kattan (1)
(1) Department of Biology, College of Science, Mosul University, Iraq, Iraq


This study was performed to determine the Prophylactic effects of both lemon and tomato juices on some physiological and biochemical features of healthy castrated male rabbits. The study included 30 male rabbits divided into 6 groups with 5 rabbits/ group; the first group which is the control group were given physiological solution, the second were given (4ml/ kg of body weight) lemon juice, the third were given (3ml/kg of body weight) tomato juice, the fourth were castrated and given physiological solution, the fifth were castrated and given (4ml/ kg of body weight) lemon juice and the sixth were castrated and given (3ml/kg of body weight) tomato juice. The results showed positive effects in the groups treated with the juices regarding the Adiponectin hormone, T3, T4 and TSH, as well as a reduction in concentration of TC, LDL-c, atherogenesis index and an increase in HDL-c concentration. We concluded that castrated groups was the opposite where there was a reduction in the concentrations of the Adiponectin hormone, T3, T4 and TSH, and an increase in the concentrations of TC, LDL-c, the atherogenesis index and a reduction in concentration of HDL-c.

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Muntaha Mahmoud Al-Kattan (Primary Contact)
Muntaha Mahmoud Al-Kattan. (2020). Prophylactic Effects of Tomato and Lemon Juices on Castrated Healthy Local Male Rabbits. International Journal of Research in Pharmaceutical Sciences, 11(4), 5685–5690. Retrieved from

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