Organophosphorus compounds were synthesised in the 1800s. Later they are used as insecticides in the late 1930s and early 1940s. The German scientist Gerhard Schrader is known for the creation of the basic chemical structure of anticholinesterase organophosphate compounds and development of the first commercialised Organophosperous insecticide. Such chemicals are anticholinesterase insecticide commonly used in agriculture and horticulture. To a lesser extent, they are used for domestic use. Due to the absence of bio persistence in organophosphates, most of the western countries opted to substitute organochlorines with organophosphates. Organophosphate pesticides are commonly used around the world, and contamination by these compounds is a serious public health concern in developing countries. Toxicokinetics and toxicodynamics of OP poisoning not only differ with path or level of exposure. But also the agent's chemical composition. Organophosphates are a group of pesticide that was developed in the 1940s in Germany and soon became an effective defence against agricultural pests. Dichlorvos which is a commonly used group of pesticide is a broad-spectrum organophosphate compound having insecticidal activity. Dichlorvos is a cholinesterase inhibitor exhibiting stomach, contact and systemic mode of action. Therefore, an accurate, fast, cost-effective and straightforward RP-HPLC technique for detecting Dichlorvos was developed. The RP-HPLC method is established by using ACN and Millipore water 50:50 v/v as mobile phase, the Flow rate is maintained at 1.5mL/minute. Detection of Dichlorvos was performed by using a PDA detector at 200nm. By this RP-HPLC procedure, RT of Dichlorvos was identified at 2.9 min.
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