Chemotherapy improves cancer status but also could carry a risk of harmful side effects. In leukaemia patients, oxidative status and immune system are crucial parameters for patient improvement. The present study is aimed to assess the oxidative stress and the levels of immunoglobulin, including; IgG, IgA, and IgM in acute myelocytic leukaemias (AML) patients. A total of twenty-one patients with AML were enrolled in this study, alongside 24 healthy individuals as a control group. Initially, in both groups, the serum MDA, IgA, IgG, and IgM levels were measured. Then after a month of treatment with standard leukaemia therapy; the measurement of levels of these parameters were repeated for both the patients’ group and the control group for measuring immunoglobulin levels while analysis of MDA was done by the laboratory method. A highly significant rise in the serum MDA level was detected (P<0.001) in patients with AML after treatment with specific cytotoxic drugs was observed in comparison with the control. Moreover, there was a significant modulation in the serum concentration of Ig after starting cytotoxic drugs in comparison with the controls. The study revealed that AML was associated with elevated oxidative stress parameters following treatment with cytotoxic drugs as reflected by the rise in the serum levels of MDA. The decreased serum Ig levels indicate a reduction in immune response in patients with AML due to cytotoxic drugs.
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