Gracilis Muscle and Myocutaneous Flap

Ajitsingh P. Chadha (1) , Nehadeepkaur Chadha (2) , Khirsagar A. Y. (3)
(1) Department of Plastic Surgery, Krishna Institute of Medical Sciences, Karad – 415539, Maharashtra, India, India ,
(2) Department of Plastic Surgery, Krishna Institute of Medical Sciences, Karad – 415539, Maharashtra, India, India ,
(3) Department of Plastic Surgery, Krishna Institute of Medical Sciences, Karad – 415539, Maharashtra, India, India


Gracilis muscle is type II muscle flap. Total 16 cases were operated on with Gracilis muscle or myocutaneous flap. Group A – loss of scrotal skin following Fournier’s gangrene. Group B - Traumatic avulsion of the scrotal skin, Group C– Anal incontinence following Surgical repair of imperforate anus. Group D – Carcinoma penis operated for total amputation of the penis. Amputation of the penis. All the patients from Group A did well except for necrosis at the margin of the flaps in two patients. In Group B patient did well without any complication in Group C Three out of five patients did well. Two patients were still incontinent. In Group D, the first patient had a good flap for seven days. Later there was discolouration and on a ninth day, there was complete discolouration of the skin pedicle. Debridement was done, the muscle underneath was viable. A split-thickness skin graft was applied. The graft takes up was good. Within 10 days the muscle contracted too much an extent that the size of the phallus became almost nil.

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Ajitsingh P. Chadha
Nehadeepkaur Chadha
Khirsagar A. Y. (Primary Contact)
Ajitsingh P. Chadha, Nehadeepkaur Chadha, & Khirsagar A. Y. (2021). Gracilis Muscle and Myocutaneous Flap. International Journal of Research in Pharmaceutical Sciences, 12(1), 863–867. Retrieved from

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