Detection the distribution of Ureaplasma parvum in women with recurrent miscarriage by polymerase chain reaction assay

Laila Jasim Shaebth (1)
(1) Technical Institute, Samawa, Al-Furat Al-Awsat Technical Univerity, Samawa, Iraq, Iraq


One hundred Seventyample were collected, including vaginal bleeding, vaginal swabs and urine. One hundred and thirty samples of women were collected with repeated miscarriage and forty samples of control. Two types of media (middle IH broth) and IH agar medium were used. A positive isolate of Mirablasma spp. In culture, the PCR probe was investigated to determine Ureaplasma parapum and subtyping to (SV1, SV3, SV6, SV14). Results showed that Ureaplasma was determined in 29.6% of the patient and 11% of control. The serovar3 isolate were isolated by the use of the PCR test, and results revealed that serovar3 was more isolated in the rate (42.8%), while serovar1 (28.5%), serovar6 (14.2%) and serovar14 (14.2%) in the patient but only serovar1 control was isolated at rate (11%). The findings suggest that the Ureaplasma parvum infection may be an important archaeological factor for repeated miscarriage and serovar3 was the most frequent serovar detected in the current study.

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Laila Jasim Shaebth (Primary Contact)
Laila Jasim Shaebth. (2019). Detection the distribution of Ureaplasma parvum in women with recurrent miscarriage by polymerase chain reaction assay. International Journal of Research in Pharmaceutical Sciences, 10(1), 467–471. Retrieved from

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