The World Health Organization (WHO) defines subfertility as the inability to get pregnant in couples who have more than 12 months maintaining frequent sexual intercourse without the use of contraceptives methods. Subfertility affects approximately 10-15% of couples in fertile age and this figure is increasing. Assess the level of serum progesterone\MII oocyte ratio at the day of a trigger is to determine that if associated with poor ICSI-embryo transfer outcome. A retrospective cohort study carried in the period from Nov.1, 2018 to the end of Nov. 2019, when 50 patients were enrolled within the age between 20-35 years old with mean age (29±5)years and the main age group were in between (25-30) years. The most common cause of subfertility was oligospermia (48.0%) and the HCG was positive in (20.0%) of the patients and negative in (80.0%), Significant association were found between implantation rate and P/MII oocyte ratio (P=0.008), while highly significant association were noticed between pregnancy rate and P/MII oocyte ratio (P<0.001). Progesterone increase should be avoided that lead to advance maturation of the endometrium and impaired endometrial receptivity, so from these results, we concluded that raised serum progesterone\MII oocyte ratio at the day of the trigger is related with reduced ICSI-embryo transfer outcome.
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