The focus of our study is to compare the anti-inflammatory effect of extracts prepared from Algerian mollusk called Helix aspersa, on induced lung inflammation in rats: aqueous AE, hydroalcoholic HE and organic OE extracts. Animals were classified into six groups: control group T was instilled with NaCl (0.9%) in the trachea, negative control group was instilled with sephadex in trachea (5mg/mL/Kg), positive control group was instilled with sephadex and treated with an anti-inflammatory drug, groups SAE, SHE and SOE were instilled with sephadex and treated intraperitoneally with aqueous, hydroalcoholic and organic extracts respectively (4mg/mL/Kg). 24h after instillation, we sacrificed animals, blood samples and bronchoalveolar fluid lavage (BALF) were collected. Lungs were preleved for histological investigation. We measured myeloperoxidase activity (MPO) in BALF. Results showed sephadex induces a massive granuloma in lungs. HE and OE decreased leukocyte count in BALF and blood. AE increased leukocyte count in blood and decreased it in BALF. The three extracts decreased MPO activity in BALF, reduced number of inflammatory cells in the alveoli and protected lung from sephadex beads injuries. Both AE and HE reduced edema in lung. We conclude that treatment with Helix aspersa had an anti-inflammatory effect on lungs inflammation.
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