Prediabetes is a high-risk state for diabetes that is defined by glycaemic variables that are higher than normal but lower than diabetes thresholds. 5–10% of people per year with prediabetes will progress to diabetes, with the same proportion converting back to normal glycaemia. The prevalence of prediabetes is increasing worldwide, and experts have projected that more than 470 million people will have prediabetes by 2030. Prediabetes is associated with the simultaneous presence of insulin resistance and β-cell dysfunction abnormalities that start before glucose changes are detectable. Hence the present study to assess the risk factors of pre-diabetes risk among the adults in SMCH and to associate the prediabetic risk with demographic variables among adults. Quasi-experimental design was employed with 100 adults who met the inclusion criteria were selected by non-probability purposive sampling technique. The researcher collected the demographic variables and assessed the prediabetic risk among adults by using Indian diabetic risk score. The data analysis was done using descriptive and inferential statistics. The result shows that Out of 100 samples, 15(15%) is at low risk, 55(55%) is at moderate risk and 30(30%) is at high risk among adults. The mean and standard deviation of this study are 54.6 and 16.6, respectively, for adults. The association between the prediabetes risk and the demographic variable is statistically significant. The study reveals that the adults have a moderate risk for prediabetes which is analysed using Indian diabetic risk score.
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