Microsponge drug delivery: A Review

Viral Shaha (1) , Hitesh Jain (2) , Jethva Krishna (3) , Pramit Patel (4)
(1) Department of Pharmaceutics, Sigma Institute of Pharmacy, Gujarat, India, India ,
(2) Department of Pharmaceutics, Sigma Institute of Pharmacy, Gujarat, India, India ,
(3) Department of Pharmaceutics, Sigma Institute of Pharmacy, Gujarat, India, India ,
(4) Department of Pharmacology, R.C. Patel Institute of Pharmaceutical Education and Research, Gujarat, India, India


The drug delivery technology landscape has become highly competitive and rapidly evolving. More and more developments in delivery systems are being integrated to optimize the efficacy and cost-effectiveness of the therapy. Peptides, proteins and DNA-based therapeutics cannot be effectively delivered by conventional means. To control the delivery rate of active agents to a predetermined site in human body has been one of the biggest challenges faced by drug industry. Controlled release of drugs onto the epidermis with assurance that the drug remains primarily localized and does not enter the systemic circulation in significant amounts is an area of research that is successively done by the microsponge delivery system. The Microsponge Delivery System (MDS) is a unique technology for the controlled release of topical agents and consists of macroporous beads, typically 10-25 microns in diameter, loaded with active agent. When applied to the skin, the microsponge releases its active ingredient on a time mode and also in response to other stimuli (rubbing, temperature, pH, etc). Microsponge technology offers entrapment of ingredients and is believed to contribute towards reduced side effects, improved stability, increased elegance, and enhanced formulation flexibility. In addition, numerous studies have confirmed that microsponge systems are non-irritating, non-mutagenic, non-allergenic, and non-toxic. MDS technology is being used currently in cosmetics, over-the-counter (OTC) skin care, sunscreens and prescription products.

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Viral Shaha
viralshah779@yahoo.com (Primary Contact)
Hitesh Jain
Jethva Krishna
Pramit Patel
Viral Shaha, Hitesh Jain, Jethva Krishna, & Pramit Patel. (2010). Microsponge drug delivery: A Review. International Journal of Research in Pharmaceutical Sciences, 1(2), 212–218. Retrieved from https://ijrps.com/home/article/view/2895

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