Sutural Morphology of Asterion in Dry Human Skulls

Usha Verma (1) , Ritu Singroha (2) , Amit Kumar Saxena (3) , Prachi Saffar Aneja (4) , Suresh Kanta Rathee (5)
(1) Department of Anatomy, Pt. B.D. Sharma PGIMS, Rohtak- 124001, Haryana, India, India ,
(2) Department of Anatomy, Pt. B.D. Sharma PGIMS, Rohtak- 124001, Haryana, India, India ,
(3) Department of Anatomy, Autonomous State Medical College, Shahjahanpur -Uttar Pradesh, India, India ,
(4) Department of Anatomy, SGT Medical College, Gurugram -Haryana, India, India ,
(5) Department of Anatomy, Pt. B.D. Sharma PGIMS, Rohtak- 124001, Haryana, India, India


Sutural bones are usually small, irregularly shaped bones, often found in sutures of the cranium. It is important to know about them as they may complicate the surgical orientation if present in the asterion. The study aims to observe the incidence of the sutural morphology of asterion in dry human skulls. Total 120 human adult dry skulls consisting of 80 male and 40 female skulls were analyzed for Type-I and Type-II asterions. out of 120 skulls, (n=240) Type-I asterion was observed in 36 (15%) skulls, and Type-II was observed in 204 (85%) skulls. Type-I was 28 (17.5%) in males, 8 (10.0%) in females and 36 (15.0%) in total skulls. Type-II was 132 (82.5%) in males, 72 (90.00%) in females and 204 (85.0%) in total skulls. In the present study, the incidence of Type-I asterion was found more in males than females. The study can be useful to neurosurgeons, forensic experts, anthropologists and radiologists.

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Usha Verma (Primary Contact)
Ritu Singroha
Amit Kumar Saxena
Prachi Saffar Aneja
Suresh Kanta Rathee
Usha Verma, Ritu Singroha, Amit Kumar Saxena, Prachi Saffar Aneja, & Suresh Kanta Rathee. (2020). Sutural Morphology of Asterion in Dry Human Skulls. International Journal of Research in Pharmaceutical Sciences, 11((SPL 4), 1463–1466. Retrieved from

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