Awareness and current knowledge of women on breast cancer in Hyderabad, Telangana State

Shilpa Ch. (1) , Mahesh Kumar V. P. (2) , Madhukar A. (3)
(1) Department of Pharmacy Practice, KVK College of Pharmacy, Surmaiguda, Ranga Reddy - 501 512, Telangana, India, India ,
(2) Department of Pharmacy, Annamalai University, Chidambaram – 608 002, Tamil Nadu, India, India ,
(3) Department of Pharmaceutical Analysis and Quality Assurance, Avanthi Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Ranga Reddy – 501 505, Telangana, India, India


The purpose of the present study is to accomplish research objectives that are to assess the effectiveness of an awareness program on knowledge and attitude regarding breast cancer and screening technique among women. 105 women were selected living in the Hyderabad district, Telangana state, selected for the study by Simple random sampling technique between 13-70 years. Appropriate data collection is the most important and central part of any investigation, which provides necessary data for the study. We made a standard Structured knowledge questionnaire and attitudes scale containing 57 questions to assess women knowledge and attitude regarding breast cancer. The most significant and important part of any exploration is gathering significant data, which will give the information expected to respond to the inquiries brought up in the survey. We made a standard Structured information Questionnaire, and a disposition like a scale containing 57 inquiries was utilized to evaluate the information and demeanor of women with respect  to malignant breast growth. We designed and developed an Informational booklet on knowledge and attitude regarding breast cancer and screening technique after pre-test knowledge and lacking attitude areas like Objectives, Breast Structure, Types of Cancer and Causes of Breast Cancer, Risk factors, Symptoms, Diagnosis, Prevention and Screening of breast cancer, Clinical Breast Examination, Mammography and Treatment. After data collection, analysis was done to determine the association between selected variables, computing co-efficient of correlation to find the relation between knowledge scores and attitude scores.

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Shilpa Ch. (Primary Contact)
Mahesh Kumar V. P.
Madhukar A.
Shilpa Ch., Mahesh Kumar V. P., & Madhukar A. (2022). Awareness and current knowledge of women on breast cancer in Hyderabad, Telangana State. International Journal of Research in Pharmaceutical Sciences, 13(2), 211–217.

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