In-vitro biorelevant dissolution test method was developed for Dipyridamole in modified release multiparticulate dosage form, to simulate the product drug release after oral administration to human. The Dipyridamole concentration in blood plasma achieved after oral administration under pre-prandial(fasting) condition were used for deriving the target dissolution profile by deconvoluting the plasma concentration using numerical deconvolution technique. The fraction of drug absorbed was considered as the target dissolution profile. The drug product was tested by using the dissolution method recommended by office of generic drugs, and the dissolution results observed are not comparable with the target dissolution profile.  Dissolution method was developed using reciprocating cylinder, Bio-Dis (apparatus -3 as per USP), by simulating the pre-prandial conditions. A full factorial design of experiment was carried out to achieve the target dissolution profile. Media volume and dips per minute (DPM) are considered as main factors, in design of experiment. The dissolution results achieved with media volume 250ml and 10DPM were found to be comparable with target dissolution profile and observed with the F2 value (similarity factor) of 92%. The developed dissolution method demonstrates a very good in-vitro/in-vivo correlation under pre-prandial condition, and shall be used as a predictive in-vitro tool for evaluation Dipyridamole extended release capsules.
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