A critical review on vrischika visha W.S.R. to keraliya visha chikitsa

Shanti R Nair (1) , Suwarna Meshram (2) , Prasanth R Krishnan (3)
(1) Research Scholar, Department of Agada Tantra, Parul Institute of Ayurved, Parul University, Vadodara, Gujrat, India, India ,
(2) Faculty of Ayurved, Parul University, Vadodara, Gujrat, India, India ,
(3) Faculty of Ayurved, Parul University, Vadodara, Gujrat, India, India


Scorpion stings are major public health problem especially in rural parts of India. Envenomation from Scorpions if estimating on yearly basis it is about 12 lakh people per year and is responsible for nearly about 3250 deaths. There are about 1400 species of scorpions identified worldwide out of this only 53 are reported to be dangerous to humans, In India we have identified around 86 species. Poison due to insect bite is common and can be accompanied with a variety of symptoms ranging from simple itching to life threatening situations. Many may go through minor problems like swelling, tingling or numbness due to the sting. Scorpion sting usually results in severe symptoms, as its venom is more potent. Young children and older adults may require immediate treatment. Vrischikadamsha is such a specific envenomation that requires medical attention. There are ample references treatment modalities and medicines in Keraleeyavisha chikitsa granthas and ayurvedic classics which are described for managing vrischikavisha. Many of the keraliyavishagrantha are written in Malayalam hence there is a need to explore and bring out the remedies. So in this article a humble effort is made to bring out the different vrischika and treatment modalities described in keraleeyagrandhas along with the specific symptoms.


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Shanti R Nair
Suwarna Meshram
Prasanth R Krishnan
prasanth.r.krishnan@gmail.com (Primary Contact)
Shanti R Nair, Suwarna Meshram, & Prasanth R Krishnan. (2021). A critical review on vrischika visha W.S.R. to keraliya visha chikitsa. International Journal of Research in Pharmaceutical Sciences, 12(2), 1162–1167. Retrieved from https://ijrps.com/home/article/view/114

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