A Study on Norm Scores-Box and Block Test for Children Age with 6-10 Years Among Indian Population

Vice Deanship for Quality and Development, College of Medicine, Imam Abdulrahman Bin Faisal University, P.O. Box 1982, Dammam 31441, Saudi Arabia, +966-581963915
Deanship of Quality & Academic Accreditation, Imam Abdulrahman Bin Faisal University, P.O. Box 1982, Dammam 31441, Dammam, Saudi Arabia
Department of Radiological Sciences, College of Applied Medical Sciences, Imam Abdulrahman Bin Faisal University, P.O. Box 1982, Dammam 31441, Dammam, Saudi Arabia
Office of Vice Presidency for Graduate Studies & Scientific Research, Imam Abdulrahman Bin Faisal University, P.O. Box 1982, Dammam 31441, Saudi Arabia


The study aims to compare the scores of dominance and non-dominance in developing children that are important in clinical practice. The capacity to perform complex muscle and nerve acts that produce development; fine engine aptitudes are little developments; net engine abilities are enormous developments. An observational quantitative study was conducted to establish the new developmental norms for children on the Box and Block Test. This study included 400 volunteers’ 221(55.25%) males and 179(44.75%) females with the age of 6 to10 years. The signed parental consent before participation was obtained in this study. Out of 400 total populations, the male’s right dominance is 20(93.6%) is a difference from left dominance 14(6.4%). The female right dominance is 171(95.5%) is more than that of male dominance and used to compare the left dominance 8(4.5%). The Block and Test Box are easy, simple, and suitable for children. This test aids the therapists to evaluate the efficacy of the interventions tailored to improve manual dexterity. These kids may profit essentially from early mediation focusing on the improvement of handwork.


Box and Block Test (BBT), Manual Dexterity, developmental coordination disorder (DCD), Functional Laterality, right dominance, left dominance and motor Skills, cerebral palsy (CP)


The crate and square test (BBT) are normally utilized in restoration focuses to convey a sign of gross manual skill. There is restricted regularizing information for the person's age gathering of 6-10 years which makes the understanding of the test hard for these ages. In clinical practice, it is essential to compare the scores of atypically and typically developing children which in turn offers required information about the need for the treatment and effect of rehabilitation programs. Hence, it is vital to have norm scores (Berk, 2012).

Furthermore, there is a need for a large international reference population to attain the generalization of findings. Though, there is limited normative data for the Box and Block Test for the individual’s age group of 6-10 years. A scope of strands of proof identifies with manual ability as a potential relate (Bishop & Adams, 1990) , suggested that the advancement of a predictable hand inclination may lay on the development of gifted engine execution. This recommendation is fortified in two different ways. Initially, manual adroitness improves with age in an ordinary turn of events (Kilshaw & Annett, 1983). Second, youngsters with a formative coordination issue (DCD). There was a consistent increment in tallness, weight, hold quality, three sorts of squeeze quality and skill as the youngster's ordered age expanded essentially.

Quality and execution in regards to business-related exercises of day by day living and recreational exercises are to a great extent dictated by elements of the hand and manual finesse (Oliveira, Almeida, Freitas, & Santana, 2016) . As of late, the Box and Block Test have step by step been utilized to assess the gross manual aptitude of the influenced versus the non-influenced turn in kids and youthful young people (Elk, Viswanathan, Schie, Bekkering, & Grafton, 2012). This test is likewise used to look at atypically creating) youngsters with age-related friends, and to discover the viability of the mediation (Crajé, Aarts, Sanden, & Steenbergen, 2010) . The Box and Block Test is a basic one that can be utilized to gauge the gross manual smoothness. It is considered as an esteemed and suitable test for little youngsters. It is seen that standard scores for the Box and Block Test for grown-ups have been distributed by over 25 years prior (Mathiowetz et al., 1985). Moreover, the standard scores for youngsters ages 6-19 years were likewise announced. Even though the fact that it is basic to frequently reestablish standard scores, those scores have not been refreshed since 1985. Further, there is no presence of the standard scores for preschool-age youngsters. The youngsters (Mathiowetz, Volland, Kashman, & Weber, 1985) with the shorter practice preliminary didn't influence the scores. In any case, there is an improvement in the scores in the kids with the additional training. Future research ought to methodically address the hand predominance.

For instance, though the differences in the impairment level between both hands in unilateral CP (cerebral palsy) are observed, norm scores can deliver added evidence on the working of the healthy hand when contrasted and the gross manual aptitude old enough related friends. Besides, rehabilitation programs for preschool children are much in need of the use of standardized tests. These preschool children might enjoy a significant advantage from early intervention focusing on the progression of hand function (Aarts et al., 2010) .

This examination intends to convey standards for the Box and Block Test with a huge example of regularly creating youngsters with the age gathering of 6-10 years. The Box and Block Test are regularly utilized by the word related specialists as often as possible to evaluate and deal with the manual skill deficiency cases. The Box and Block Test (Trombley, 1983) is a suitable instrument that has been suggested for assessing gross or manual ability. This examination intends to utilize this test to assess and clarify the engine abilities of the strength of the hands of youngsters with the age gathering of 6-10 years (Jongbloed-Pereboom, Sanden, & Steenbergen, 2013).

Table 1: Shows the Descriptive Statistics of study subject (N = 400)


Males Dominance

Females Dominance







6 - 6.11







7 - 7.11







8 - 8.11







9 - 9.11











(93.6 %)


(6.4 %)






Table 2: Average Performance of Normal Subjects, Aged 6-10 Years with left and right hands among the gender, on the Box and Block Test (Blocks/Minute)



Male Female t-Test

Mean ± SD

Mean ± SD












0.294 ns

0.921 ns










0.213 ns

0.601 ns










0.254 ns

0.025 *










0.713 ns

0.079 ns

Table 3: Average Performance of Normal Subjects,Aged 6-10 Years among the gender. On the Box and Block Test (Blocks/Minute)




Independent t-Test

Mean ± SD

Mean ± SD







0.106 ns





0.349 ns





0.007 **





0.911 ns

Table 4: A comparison of Right Hand Dominant and Left-Hand Dominant Subjects aged 6-10 Years, on the Box and Block Test




Paired t-Test



Mean ± SD

Mean ± SD













0.686 ***


p <0.001



p < 0.001







0.836 ***






0.789 ***






0.812 ***






0.814 ***

Table 5: A comparison of Right hand dominant and left-hand dominant subjects, aged 6-10 years, On the Box and Block Test


Paired t-Test



Mean ± SD




Right Dominance




0.467 ns

Left Dominance




Right Dominance





Left Dominance





Right Dominance




0.246 ns

Left Dominance




Right Dominance




0.161 ns

Left Dominance



Figure 1: Shows the comparison between right and left mean values difference and their significance effects

Materials and Methods

Research Design

The current investigation received an observational quantitative examination configuration to build up the new formative standards for youngsters on the Box and Block Test. It additionally expected to discover the simultaneous legitimacy, test-retest unwavering quality, and between rater dependability. All the members gave parental educated assent before the evaluation. The moral endorsement was acquired from the nearby morals advisory group. The youngsters with the age gathering of 6-10 years from ten grade schools in the South Indian locale were considered as the number of inhabitants in this examination. Those kids were defined by ordered age into four gatherings (i.e., from age 6 to 10 years). A sum of 400 examples is chosen from different pieces of South India utilizing comfort testing. Out of 400 youngsters, 221(55.25%) were male and 179(44.75%) were female. Measurable tests, for example, illustrative insights, autonomous t-test, subordinate t-test, Pearson connection, and ANOVA were utilized in this examination for information investigation. Additionally, this examination inspected the test's simultaneous legitimacy by contrasting it and the as of late normalized manual adroitness subtests of the Movement Assessment Battery for Children; at last, this investigation investigated the test-retest unwavering quality, between rater dependability of the test, R-values, t-qualities, and F-values.


In this study, children have done the Box and Block in an empty classroom. Training assistants ensure their presence in the testing station. Each participant is asked to sit on suitable, comfortable, and height-adjustable furniture with the forearms rested on the table. The chairs were placed in the manner to face the wall of the classroom to avoid the children to be watched each other. The Box and Block Test are executed in a counterbalanced order and half of the children first performed the Box and Block Test.

For the Box and Block Test, the squares were put in one compartment toward the start of the test, and members were approached to move however many squares as could be expected under the circumstances utilizing one hand to the next compartment in 60 seconds. Members were approached to get a handle on each square in turn, take it over the segment, and afterward discharge it in the other compartment. The test was going by a training time of 15 seconds. In this test, both the hands were tried independently and frequently start with the prevailing hand. The predominant hand was dictated by training the members to draw a manikin on paper. The predominant hand was seen as the hand that was utilized to carry out this responsibility. The result of this test is the quantity of squares moved in 60 seconds, which brings about a score for the predominant hand and non-prevailing hand.

The capacity to make capable very much coordinated, arm-hand developments in controlling genuinely enormous items under speed conditions (Fleishman, 1967) .Behavioral signs of cerebral strength in which there are special use and prevalent working of either the privilege or the left side (Lynn, Jacobs, & Austin, 2003), as in the favored utilization of the correct hand or right foot by (Beaumont, 1983). The capacity to perform complex muscle and nerve acts that produce development; fine engine abilities are little developments; net engine aptitudes are huge developments. Engine aptitudes advancement and learning by (Stallings, 1973).

It is organic and mental changes that happen in people among origination and the finish of pre-adulthood, as the individual advances from reliance to expanding self-governance (Mathiowetz et al., 1985). Age bunch 6-10 years and both genders are incorporated. Kids with clinical and social issues are prohibited from the investigation. The instrument utilized in this investigation is Box and square test in which the test materials incorporated a case estimating 53.7cm, 25.4cm, and 8.5cm isolated into equivalent compartments by a 15.2cm high segment. Moreover, one compartment loaded up with 150 hued 3D shapes of 2.5cm per side. Integrator unwavering quality in sound youngsters r = 5.99 and creating kids r = 5.84 are appeared by a past report. In any case, the current examination got more than that esteem.

Results and Discussion

Among 400 volunteers, male and female participants were divided into four different age groups shown in Table 1 . All the participants were observed as free from disease or injury that could affect their upper extremity dexterity or strength. Out of 400 total populations, the males are predominantly found with right dominance were 207(93.6%), when compared to the left dominance 14(6.4%). Likewise, the females are predominantly observed with the right dominance were 171(95.5%), when compared to the left dominance 8(4.5%). It is observed that children with the right dominance were predominantly males. In the age group 9.0 to 9.11 male participants 5 has left dominance and in the 8.0 to 8.11 female 3 participants only have left dominance. All the other age groups of participants have less number left dominance in the study subjects. Understand most of the males and females are only right dominance not in the left dominance.

The higher the score, the better the performance. - Not statistically significant difference among the gender in the different age groups of left and right dominant hands at 95% (p > 0.05). a-comparison between male and female right-handed dominance mean values, and there is no statistical significance difference (no effect among the gender). b-comparison between male and female left-handed dominance mean values, and there is no statistical significance difference (no effect among the gender).

There is a statistical significance difference between males and females in the age group of 8-8.11years in the left-handed dominance only at 95% (p < 0.05).Independent t-test used for comparison of male and female right and left-hand dominance mean values, there is no statistically significant difference at 95% (p > 0.05), right and left average performance of the normal subject in Table 2, here analyzed the male and female performance and comparison with left and right-handed. As would be normal, the most noteworthy scores were accomplished by the most established subjects, and the least scores were accomplished by the most youthful subjects.

There was a consistent increment in scores from age 6 to 10 among the male members. Maximal execution happens in the age bunch 9-multi year's age bunch for the two guys and females. Right-gave subjects were more lateralized than left-gave subjects. Since left-handers, for the most part, scored better with their correct hands, information for left-hand predominant subjects were joined with the information for right-hand prevailing subjects. ns-there is no statistical significance difference between males and females in the age group of 6-6.11, 7-7.11, and 9-9.11 years. **- there is a highly statistically significant difference between males and females in the age group of 8-8.11 at 99% (p < 0.01).

From the Table 3 , age group 6.0 to 6.11 their average performance in the female 33.35 is approximately equal to male average performance 33.27 in both the hands, the age group 7.0 to 7.11 female average performances is 35.67 and in the male 34.96 in both the hands, the age group 9.0 to 9.11 their average performances are in the female is 43.65 and the male 43.75 in both the hands more or less equal. Only in the age group 8.0 to 8.11 average performances are more in the male and there is a statistical significance difference (40.22±5.88) compare to female performance (38.12±5.03) in both hands.***-Comparison between right- and left-hand mean values have a very high statistical significance difference at 99.9% (p < 0.001) with all age groups using the paired t-test. Based on the calculation of their correlation ranges from 0.789 to 0.814, positive high correlation, they have a strong association between left and right hands participants.

Overall comparison of within the right-hand participants have statistical significance using ANOVA, Overall comparison of within the left-hand participants have statistical significance using ANOVA. Table 4 , shows the compare the mean of right and left dominant hands in the age of 6 to 6.11 is 36.89±5.12have a significant difference from 34.25±5.12 by using the paired t-test, Similarly compare the mean of right and left dominant hands in the age of 7 to 7.11 is 37.51±6.46 have a significant difference from34.91±5.89, compare the mean of right and left dominant hands in the age of 8.0 to 8.11 is 38.83±7.25 have a significant difference from 37.12±6.72, compare the mean of right and left dominant hands in the age of 9.0 to 9.11 is 42.85±6.37 have a significant difference from 40.54±6.03. The effect differs from the age group 6.0 to 10 increasing continuously, Comparisons of the effect increasing the age group 9.0 to 9.11 have higher compared to all other age groups study participants.

Table 4 , reveals that the calculation of correlation values is positively correlated, moderate to high correlation in their age group of 6-10 years with right-handed dominance participants in this study and there is a statistically significant correlation at 95% (p < 0.05). Table 4, shows the correlation values are positively correlated, moderate to high correlation in their age group of 6-10 years with left-handed dominance participants in this study and there is a statistically significant correlation at 95% (p < 0.05). Therefore, in this study finding are participant’s age increases and their performance also increases automatically.

Figure 1 shows the age group of 8 to 10years has effetely difference and significance also in their mean values. The age groups of children (9 to 9.11) mean (42.85±6.37, 40.54±6.03) have also a statistically significant difference at 95% (p < 0.05).

Comparison between right and left-hand dominance score using the independent t-test to compare the right-right and right-left in the male participants do not have a significant difference at 95% (p > 0.05) and Comparison between right and left-hand dominance score using the independent t-test to compare the left-right and left-left in the male participants do not have a significant difference at 95% (p > 0.05). While comparing the mean scores of male and female children, males are usually found to be better than females from the age group of 6-6.11 to 9-9.11 years. On average, the right-handed subjects performed less well with their dominant hand, whereas the left-handed subjects performed well with their non-dominant hand in male children Table 5 . ns-Not statistical significance difference between right-right, right-left among the gender at 95% (p > 0.05). When female scores left-left dominance is more compare to female and overall, also left-left dominance is less comparing to males. When female scores right-right dominance (38.94) are more compare to male (39.11). The result concludes that most of the people non-dominance in left-left more dominant based on the mean values in the male, not in the female.

The writing has exhibited the reason for and needs for regularizing information (Mathiowetz, Federman, & Wiemer, 1985). Along these lines, the current investigation initial steps to discover the standard scores in the Chennai populace at that point applied all through the nation (Maria, 2013), the pattern of improving execution from age 8.0 to 9.11 years was foreseen dependent on the ongoing examinations identified with the Purdue Pegboard (Gardner & Broman, 1979) . The bar outline shows the connection among age and dominances hands fig 1, would suggest the prerequisite for standards separated by age gatherings. This training ought to be tested in light and right of the aftereffects of the present and later investigations. There were numerous varieties between the present investigation and a past report that may represent the methods in scores. For example, (Smith, 2005), ordered her subjects' scores as indicated by predominant and non-prevailing hands (right hand of right-handers and right hand of left-handers joined with the left hand of left-handers and left hand of right handlers), be that as it may, this examination assembled the members as "right" and "left" paying little mind to hand strength. In addition, Smith utilized a 60-second practice preliminary before the testing. Correspondingly, this examination utilized 60 seconds.


For future examinations, our investigation concentrated on the Block, year, and geographic contrasts, as potential factors that may influence the grades. The last is overwhelmingly indispensable since the regulating information for this investigation were gathered in a little geographic zone in south India. In the first place, the expense is negligible and it is anything but difficult to develop. On the off chance that a facility doesn't have them effectively, at that point the squares may be bought monetarily. Second, the test has general materialness to people with restricted subjective capacity, poor perseverance, or limited capacity to focus. At last, the normalized sitting position is a suitable one as opposed to the Minnesota Rate of Manipulation Test, which utilizes the standing situation, since numerous patients feel trouble or unfit to remain during the word related treatment meetings. A disadvantage of the Box and Block Test was the measure of clamor made during testing. Such clamor was to some degree decreased by keeping self-cement froth pads on the base (outside) of the content box and on the base (within) the container used to tally the squares.


It is observed that right-handed subjects were more lateralized than left-handed subjects. The data for left-hand dominant subjects were combined with the data for right-hand dominant subjects that are less predicted since left-handers generally scored better with their right hands. The present study offers the normative data on the Box and Block Test for young children ages 6-10 years. Investigator concludes from this study, right-handed subjects did well with their dominant hand, while left-handed subjects did better with their non-dominant hand. The age group 9.0 to 10.0 the right-hand dominant is more compare the all the other age groups and left-hand dominance also a statistically significant difference. From the present study, the author can understand most of the males and females are only right dominance only not in the left dominance. The Block and Test Box is an easy, simple, low-cost, and valued method for assessing manual dexterity. It is suitable for children, as it takes a brief time of administration and has simple instructions to execute. Using the normative data in the current study, therapists can quantitatively evaluate their patient’s level of manual dexterity. Furthermore, this test is worthwhile to evaluate the efficacy of treatment techniques tailored to enhance manual dexterity.

Conflict of Interest

The authors would like to declare that there is no conflict of interest.

Funding Support

The research did not receive any external funding support.