A study to assess the effectiveness of Acharya Technique on low back pain among women

Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology Nursing, Saveetha College of Nursing, SIMATS Thandalam, Chennai - 602105, Tamilnadu, India, 9443544381


Back pain is the most widely recognised medical consultation in all the nations. It meddles with an individual's satisfaction and general working. Back pain is a too fundamental issue that can extend from a dull, consistent pain to an unexpected, sharp pain that can leave individuals crippled. It can come on abruptly from a mishap, a fall, or lifting something extraordinary or it can grow gradually, maybe as the consequence of age-related changes to the Spine. Those instincts and behavioural patterns are now codified into Acharya technique for back pain and Spinal & Nervous rejuvenation. The Save India association is conducting camps week after week without involving any fee for every one of the individuals, who are experiencing Back pain. All the same, people with other medical issues can also learn them and help themselves to enjoy perfect health and that as well with no depressions, fatigues or strain. Those who are destitute and are worn out on running from pillar to post and have spent a ton in treating back pain would now be able to plan to appreciate ideal wellbeing through this nature fix treatment which can properly be known as a therapy beyond all therapies. Hence the study is aimed to assess the effectiveness of Acharya technique on low back pain among women. Quantitative approach with Experimental Research design was employed with 60 samples which matched the inclusion criteria were selected by purposive sampling technique. A demographic variable was collected by using multiple-choice questionnaires by structured questionnaires, and the level of pain was assessed by using the Numerical Rating Scale. The results of the study are out of 60 samples 37 [61.66%] had moderate pain, 23 [38.33%] had mild pain, and none had severe pain.


Assess, Acharya Technique, Back Pain, Women


Pain isn't just a physical reaction; it involves brain to play an essential job in how an individual sees the pain. Back Pain is also an emotional process. We may have known about individuals defeating incredible pain when their mind is focussed on something different. This is an instance of how the brain feels the impact and the agonic experience. Back pain is too natural an issue that can extend from a dull, consistent pain to an unexpected, sharp pain that leaves individuals crippled. It can come on abruptly from a mishap, a fall, or lifting something overwhelming or it can grow gradually, maybe as the consequence of age-related changes to the Spine (Andrew, 2009).

Back pain is pain which is felt in the back that usually begins from the Muscles, Nerves, Bones, Joints or different structures in the Spine. As indicated by Times of India, Back pain is one of the most widely recognised grievances among individuals of all things considered, influencing the two people, earlier, it was uniquely for old age, but now back pain has become a significant reason for worry for the late between 20 to 40 years of age. Back pain influences any of the 26 bones associated by muscles, tendons and discs that constitute the Spine. Back Pain was widespread with a yearly predominance differing from 73% to 76%. A vast rate of 38% had shown the same intensity of back pain (Assendelft, Morton, Yu, Suttorp, & Shekelle, 2003).

Table 1: Frequency and percentage distribution of pre test level of back pain among women.

Level of Pain




Mild Pain



Moderate Pain



Severe Pain



Table 2: Frequency and percentage distribution of post test level of back pain among women.

Level of Pain





Mild Pain



Moderate Pain



Severe Pain



Table 3: Comparison of mean and standard deviation of between pre intervention and post intervention level of back pain after Acharya technique among the women



Standard Deviation

Paired ‘T’ Value

Pre intervention

Post intervention






Cecil G, (2006) conducted research at university of north Carolina in chapel hill, the United States to find the prevalence of chronic, impairing back pain in the state, the results showed that the pain increased from 3.9 to 10.2 per cent from 1992 to 2006. Thus the study concluded that back pain increases each year consistently in both the sexes, across all ages, racial and ethnics (Cailliet, 2003).

Those instincts and behavioural patterns are now codified into Acharya technique for back pain and Spinal & Nervous rejuvenation. The Save India Association is holding free of cost campaign week after week, to make individuals who are experiencing Back pain benefit out of this. Individuals with other medical issues can also learn them and help themselves to enjoy perfect health and that as well with no depressions, fatigues or strain. Those people who are destitute and are worn out on running from pillar to post and have spent a ton in treating back pain would now be able to plan to appreciate ideal wellbeing through this nature fix treatment which can suitably be known as a therapy beyond all therapies (Carragee, 2005; Chaiamnuay, Allison, & Curtis, 2006; Chou et al., 2007).

Since 4 out of 5 persons suffer from back pain the founder of Acharya technique for back pain and Spinal & Nervous rejuvenation, discovered a straightforward 3 to 5 minutes relaxation exercise for seven days which restored the agony totally without prescriptions or medical procedure which were prescribed by top orthopaedics. Hence the study aims to assess the effectiveness of Acharya technique on low back pain among women (Deshpande, Furlan, Mailis-Gagnon, Atlas, & Turk, 2007; Eirikstoft & Kongsted, 2014; Kongsted, Vach, Axø, Bech, & Hestbaek, 2014).

Materials and Methods

Quantitative approach with Experimental Research design was employed with 60 samples from Kizhachery who matched the inclusion criteria were selected by purposive sampling technique. A demographic variable was collected using structured questionnaires. The socio-demographic variables contain details such as age, religion, occupation, socioeconomic status, educational status, type of family and dietary habit. Level of pain was assessed by using the Numerical Rating Scale. Informed consent was obtained before the data collection. The ethical committee approved the study of the institution. Acharya technique which consists of internal rotation, external rotation, flexion, an extension was demonstrated for 3 to 5 minutes to all the samples, and they were asked to perform the same technique for 3 to 5 minutes for seven days. At the end of the seventh day, the post-intervention level of back pain among the women was assessed. The data was organised and analysed by descriptive and inferential statistics.

Results and Discussion

The study characteristics are 31[ 51.66% ] of women belong to the age group of 36 to 45 years, 38[63.33%] were Hindus, 54[90%] non-vegetarian, 36[60%] were uneducated, 50[83.33%] were working as kooli, 43[71.66%] had income between Rs.5000 -10000 per month.

The investigation discoveries are predictable with the consequences of Tomita S et al., (2010) depicts the commonness of back pain and examined the hazard factors of back pain among 254 seafood processing factory workers in Thailand. A cross-sectional investigation was completed with a self-administered questionnaire. The results indicated that the prevalence of back pain was 28.5 %. Hazard factors for back pain were age more than 40 years, unexpected weakness status, history of a back injury, twisting posture at work, and slipping on wet floors. The examination recommends that wellbeing advancement should concentrate on working states of mechanical labourers instead of individual way of life to prevent back pain (Tomita et al., 2010).

The pre-test results revealed that 31[51.66%] had moderate pain, 29[48.33%] had severe pain; none had mild pain (Table 1).

The post-test results revealed that 37[61.66%] had moderate pain, 23[38.33%] had mild pain, and none had severe pain (Table 2).

The study finding is consistent with a result of Peleg et al., (2011), conducted a cross-sectional study to describe patients visiting the complementary clinic for back agony among 395 patients aged 18 years and older in Israel. The results showed that 50.9% of patients with back pain guaranteed that reciprocal medication bring about better physical quality, 31.3% better mental state, 22.7% patients trusting that complementary medicine would forestall intrusive strategy (Peleg, Liberman, Press, & Shvartzman, 2011).

The Comparison of the mean and standard deviation of pre-intervention level of back pain among the women mean value is 6.8; the standard deviation is 1.43. The post-intervention level of back pain among the women mean value is 3.91; the standard deviation is 1.04. (Table 3)

The study findings are consistent with a result of Wedderkopp et al.,(2001), conducted a cross-sectional study to assess the occurrence of back pain was related to age and gender among 34,076 twins in Danish. The study result shows that 86% responded well according to the age 70% of people were positively seen, related to gender 80% of people responded to back pain, The study concluded that back pain had an equal chance for both age and gender (Wedderkopp, Leboeuf-Yde, Andersen, Froberg, & Hansen, 2001).

The association between post-intervention levels of back pain among the women with the demographic variables. None of the demographic variables was significantly associated with their pre-intervention level of back pain.


The results of this investigation show that there was a significant reduction in the degree of back pain after Acharya system among women back pain. As Medical caretakers, our first job is to secure, keep up and improve the well being of people and community. Acharya Technique can be taught and rehearsed as a non-pharmacological measure for lessening low back agony and low back pain disability. The examination discoveries inferred that Acharya Technique could be remembered for continuing education programmes on a more extensive scale and acknowledge it as a measure followed to dispose of low back pain among all women.

Funding Support


Conflict of interest
