Studies on antioxidant activity of different extracts of aerial parts of Cadaba farinose Forsk: An in-vitro techniques
Cadaba farinosa (family Capparidaceae) is generally known as “Indian cadaba” in the traditional ayurvedic system. The current study, aerial parts of different concentrates (Pet.ether, ethyl acetate and methanol) of Cadaba farinose was evaluated for its in-vitro antioxidant potential by Diphenylpicrylhydrazyl radical, and total antioxidant activity taking ascorbate as standard and superoxide radical activity taking Quercetin as the standard for the in-vitro methods. The methanolic concentrates of Cadaba farinose & ascorbic acid exhibited antioxidant potential possessing IC50 208µg/ml & 66µg/ml (Diphenylpicrylhydrazyl radical) , 188µg/ml & 57µg/ml (total antioxidant). The methanolic concentrates of Cadaba farinose & quercetin exhibited antioxidant potential possessing IC50 252µg/ml & 60µg/ml (superoxide radical). The IC50 value was originated that methanolic concentrates of Cadaba farinose more efficient in Diphenylpicrylhydrazyl radical, superoxide radical activity, total antioxidant activity compared EA & PE concentrates. The difference in scavenging potential of the extracts can be due to variation in the percentage of bioactive compound present in different solvents. Invitro antioxidant studies show methanolic concentrates of Cadaba farinose have better antioxidant activity. This result indicates that aerial parts of methanolic concentrate Cadaba farinose could serve as a natural antioxidant, which may be useful in preventing free radical-induced diseases.
Cadabafarinosa, DPPH radical, Superoxide radical scavenging, total antioxidant
Oxidative stress so-called is by an excessive load of free radicals that cause cumulative damage to cellular biomolecules leading to disruption of antioxidant defence mechanism (Tiwari, 2004). Generation of free radicals and imbalance of the body's defence mechanisms leads to oxidative stress. The root cause for the formation & generation free radicals is mainly by exogenous sources like Cigarette smoke, environmental pollutants, automobile exhaust, organic solvents, Radiations, air pollutants, pesticides (Halliwell, Gutteridge, & Cross, 1992). The Primarily cause for the onset of a majority of disease conditions like Atherosclerosis, Hypertension, ischaemic diseases, Alzheimer disease, Parkinsonism, Cancer and Inflammatory conditions due to imbalance between pro-oxidant and antioxidant homeostasis. The pharmacological mechanism of flavonoids is directly correlated with its antioxidant activities which can scavenge O2 - and OH by single electron transfer. The scavenging process is recorded by Electron Spin Resonance (ESR) (Chen, Li, Zao, Zheng, & Xin, 1989).
The current trend of research is the investigation of medicines of plant origin which is affordable and access able with minimal side effects. As crude drugs of herbs and other plant materials rich in secondary metabolites like flavonoids, phenolic compounds, alkaloids etc. are increasing interest in the pharmaceutical industry because they prevent the degradation of lipids and enhance their free radical scavenging potential thereby improving its medicinal values (Lagarda, García-Llatas, & Farré, 2006).
Cadaba farinosa (family Capparidaceae) is generally known as “Indian cadaba” in the traditional ayurvedic system. Quercetin, isoorientin, hydroxybenzoic acid, syringic acid, vanillic acid and 2-hydroxy-4-methoxy benzoic acid were isolated from Cadaba farinosa (Khare, 2006). Cadaba farinose was used for different diseases like anthelmintic, antisyphilitic, aperients, stimulant, antiscorbutic, antiphlogistic (Ambasta, 1986). Cadaba farinose was used rheumatic pain (Ambasta, 1986).
The flower buds are stimulant, antiscorbutic, purgative, antiphlogistic and anthelmintic, especially for round worm (Nadkarni, 2002). Cadaba farinose was used as hepatoprotective activity (Telrandhe et al., 2010). C. farinose was used for the treatment of wound healing (Habib, Ghulam, & Abdul, 2004) and anticancer (Graham, Quinn, Fabricant, & Farnsworth, 2000). Still, no literature is available on the antioxidant activity of aerial parts Cadaba farinosa. Thus, the present study to assess antioxidant activities of aerial parts Cadaba farinosa.
Gathering & Identification of Plant
The aerial parts Cadaba farinose (family Capparidaceae) were gathered form Senkottai, Tirunelveli District of Tamilnadu, India. Plant identification was made from Botanical investigation of India, Palayamkottai. The Cadaba farinose were desiccated under shadowy, segregate, crushed through the grinder. (ShajiSelvin & Muthu, 2010). |
Extract (µg/mL) |
% of activity(±SEM)* |
PE concentrates |
Ascorbate |
1 |
100 |
10.57±0.064 |
54.19±0.024 |
2 |
200 |
24.78±0.036 |
59.24±0.032 |
3 |
400 |
37.67±0.052 |
65.32±0.054 |
4 |
800 |
50.04±0.012 |
72.82±0.062 |
IC50 = 795 µg/mL |
IC50 = 66 µg/mL |
*Everyvalue was articulated as mean ± SEM for three experimentation
S.No |
Extract (µg/mL) |
% of activity(±SEM)* |
(EA concentrates) |
(Ascorbate) |
1 |
100 |
26.15±0.065 |
54.19±0.024 |
2 |
200 |
35.98±0.043 |
59.24±0.032 |
3 |
400 |
44.34±0.032 |
65.32±0.054 |
4 |
800 |
57.18±0.028 |
72.82 ±0.062 |
IC50 = 582µg/ml |
IC50 = 66 µg/ml |
*Every value was articulated as mean ± SEM for three experimentation
S.No |
Extract (µg/mL) |
% of activity(±SEM)* |
(Methanolic concentrates) |
Ascorbate |
1 |
100 |
37.48±0.032 |
54.19 ±0.024 |
2 |
200 |
49.82±0.067 |
59.24 ±0.032 |
3 |
400 |
57.67±0.034 |
65.32 ±0.054 |
4 |
800 |
64.46±0.018 |
72.82 ±0.062 |
IC50 = 208µg/mL |
IC50 = 66µg/mL |
*Every value was articulated as mean ± SEM for three experimentation |
Extract (µg/mL) |
% inhibition (±SEM)* |
(PEextract) |
(Quercetin) |
1 |
100 |
22.42±0.024 |
64.32±0.018 |
2 |
200 |
34.56±0.045 |
71.12±0.024 |
3 |
400 |
42.75±0.076 |
83.44±0.046 |
4 |
800 |
48.12±0.038 |
91.23±0.016 |
IC50 = 933µg/mL |
IC50 = 60 µg/mL |
*Every value was articulated as mean ± SEM for three experimentation |
Extract (µg/ml) |
% of inhibition(±SEM)* |
(Ethyl acetate extract) |
(Quercetin) |
1 |
100 |
25.44±0.034 |
64.32 ±0.018 |
2 |
200 |
37.83±0.023 |
71.12 ±0.024 |
3 |
400 |
49.45±0.047 |
83.44 ±0.046 |
4 |
800 |
56.87±0.056 |
91.23 ±0.016 |
IC50 = 405µg/mL |
IC50 = 60 µg/mL |
*Every value was articulated as mean ± SEM for three experimentation |
Extract (µg/mL) |
% inhibition(±SEM)* |
Methanolic extract |
Quercetin |
1 |
100 |
36.64±0.056 |
64.32 ±0.018 |
2 |
200 |
52.02±0.034 |
71.12 ±0.024 |
3 |
400 |
59.58±0.042 |
83.44 ±0.046 |
4 |
800 |
64.49±0.082 |
91.23 ±0.016 |
IC50 = 252µg/mL |
IC50 = 60 µg/mL |
*Every value was articulated as mean ± SEM for three experimentation |
Extract (µg/ml) |
% inhibition(±SEM)* |
PE concentrates |
Ascorbate |
1 |
50 |
22.45±0.056 |
50.76±0.024 |
2 |
100 |
26.64±0.028 |
61.68±0.035 |
3 |
200 |
33.34±0.044 |
74.64±0.048 |
4 |
300 |
39.42±0.037 |
98.12±0.021 |
IC50 = 620µg/mL |
IC50 = 57µg/mL |
Every value was articulated as mean ± SEM for three experimentation |
Extract (µg/mL) |
% inhibition(±SEM)* |
(EAconcentrates ) |
Ascorbate |
1 |
50 |
16.18±0.032 |
50.76 ±0.024 |
2 |
100 |
24.28±0.022 |
61.68 ±0.035 |
3 |
200 |
35.12±0.058 |
74.64 ±0.048 |
4 |
300 |
44.56±0.028 |
98.12 ±0.021 |
IC50 = 470µg/mL |
IC50 = 57µg/mL |
*Every value was articulated as mean ± SEM for three experimentation |
Extract (µg/mL) |
% inhibition(±SEM)* |
Methanol concentrates |
Ascorbate |
1 |
50 |
33.22±0.029 |
50.76±0.024 |
2 |
100 |
41.54±0.036 |
61.68±0.035 |
3 |
200 |
51.26±0.075 |
74.64±0.048 |
4 |
300 |
60.98±0.064 |
98.12±0.021 |
IC50 = 188µg/mL |
IC50 = 57 µg/mL |
*Every value was articulated as mean ± SEM for three experimentation
Preparation of Concentrates
The pulverized materials were packed in a muslin cloth and extracted with pet.ether, ethyl acetate and methanol as solvents respectively according to the increasing order of polarity (Alagumanivasagam & Kottai Muthu, A., Manavalan, R , 2010) through hot constant percolation method in Soxhlet equipment (Borse, Muthu, Borse, & L, 2012) for twenty-four hours.
The concentrates were concentrated through the rotational evaporator and subjected to solidify drying in a lyophilizer till dry powder was acquired. (Alagumanivasagam, Muthu, & Manavalan, 2012).
Assessment of Antioxidant potential through invitro methods:
The variety of concentrates of Cadaba farinose were used assessment of antioxidant activity by (Mensor et al., 2001) method was adopted for Diphenyl picrylhydrazyl radical assay, (Winterbourn, Hawkins, Brian, & Carrell, 1975) method described for Superoxide radical (O2 -) assay & (Prieto, Pineda, & Aguilar, 1999) method described for total antioxidant activity.
DPPH scavenging activity
The DPPH activity of PE concentrates of Cadaba farinose appeared Table 1. The PE concentrates of Cadaba farinose exhibit a more DPPH activity of 50.04% at 800 µg/mL & ascorbate was recorded 72.82% at 800 µg/mL. The IC50 of the PE concentrates of Cadaba farinose & ascorbic acid was recorded 795µg/mL & 66µg/mL correspondingly.
DPPH activity of EA concentrates of Cadaba farinose summarized in Table 2. The EA concentrates of Cadaba farinose exhibit more DPPH scavenging potential of 57.18% at 800 µg/mL & ascorbate was recorded 72.82% at 800 µg/mL. The IC50 of the EA concentrates of Cadaba farinose & ascorbic acid was recorded 582µg/mL & 66µg/mL correspondingly.
DPPH potential of methanolic concentrates of Cadaba farinose appeared in Table 3. The methanolic concentrates of Cadaba farinose having more DPPH scavenging potential of 64.46% at 800 µg/mL & ascorbate were recorded 72.82% at 800 µg/mL. The IC50 of the methanolic concentrates of Cadaba farinose & ascorbic acid were recorded 208µg/mL & 66µg/mL correspondingly.
The methanolic concentrates of Cadaba farinose were recorded to more activity than PE & EA concentrates.
The IC50 of the methanolic concentrates of Cadaba farinose & ascorbic acid were found to be 208µg/mL & 66µg/mL correspondingly.
Among the three different plant concentrates tested, interestingly, in the DPPH radical activity of the methanolic concentrate of Cadaba farinose having more Diphenylpicrylhydrazylradical potential comparable with that of ascorbic acid.
Superoxide activity
Superoxide radical activity was expressed in terms of % inhibition of generated free radicals respectively for various concentrations. Superoxide radical potential of PE extract of Cadaba farinose shown in Table 4. The more Superoxideradical potential of PE extract and standard at 800 µg/ml was recorded 48.12% and 91.23%. IC50 of PE extract and standard was recorded as 933µg/millilitre and 60µg/millilitre correspondingly.
Superoxide radical potential of EA extract of Cadaba farinose appeared in Table 5. The more SO scavenging potential of EA extract and standard 800µg/mL was recorded 56.87% and 91.23% correspondingly. EA extract and Quercetin IC50 was recorded as 405µg/mL and 60µg/mL correspondingly.
Superoxide radical scavenging potential of methanolic extract of Cadaba farinose appeared in Table 6. Superoxide radical scavenging potential was more in methanolic extract and Quercetin (standard) at 800µg/mL was recorded 64.49% and 91.23%. Methanolic extract and standard IC50 was recorded as 252µg/mL and 60µg/mL correspondingly.
IC50 values and Superoxide radical potential revealed that methanol extract of Cadaba farinose is a better activity in scavenging superoxide radical when compared EA and PE extracts. The methanolic extract of Cadaba farinose exhibited higher ability in scavenging superoxide anion radical when compared to the standard Quercetin.
Total antioxidant activity (Phosphomolybdic acid method)
Total antioxidant activity of PE concentrates of Cadaba farinose appears in Table 7. The PE concentrates of Cadaba farinose exhibit an overall antioxidant activity of 39.42% at 300µg/ml & ascorbic acid was recorded 98.12% at 300µg/mL. The IC50 of the PE concentrates of Cadaba farinose & ascorbic acid was recorded 620µg/mL &57µg/mL correspondingly.
Total antioxidant activity of EA concentrates of Cadaba farinose appears in Table 8. The EA concentrates of Cadaba farinose exhibit an overall antioxidant activity of 44.56% at 300 µg/mL & ascorbic acid was recorded 98.12% at 300 µg/mL. The IC50 of the EA concentrates of Cadaba farinose & ascorbic acid was recorded 470µg/mL & 57µg/mL correspondingly.
Total antioxidant activity of methanol concentrates of Cadaba farinose appeared in Table 9. The methanol concentrates of Cadaba farinose exhibit an overall antioxidant activity of 60.98% at 300 µg/mL & ascorbic acid was recorded 98.12% at 300 µg/mL. The IC50 of the methanol concentrates of Cadaba farinose & ascorbic acid was recorded 188µg/mL & 57µg/mL correspondingly.
IC50 values &total antioxidant potential revealed that methanol concentrates of Cadaba farinose is better activity in scavenging total antioxidant potential when compared ethyl acetate & PE extracts.
Several in vitro model systems have been used for assessing the scavenging activity in various concentrates of Cadaba farinose. Antioxidant agents as free radical scavengers, initiator of the complexes of pro-oxidant metals, reducing compounds and quenchers of singlet oxygen formation (Andlauer & Furst, 1998). The in-vitro antioxidant potential of various extracts was evaluated by DPPH radical activity, superoxide radical scavenging activity and total antioxidant activity. The studies were carried out taking ascorbic acid and Quercetin used as the standard antioxidant, which is also a natural antioxidant.
Diphenylpicrylhydrazylis a stable N2-centered free radical generally utilized for testing the antioxidant potential of herbal concentrates. When the stable Diphenylpicrylhydrazyl radical accepts an electron from the antioxidant compound, the violet colour of the Diphenylpicrylhydrazyl as reduced to yellow coloured diphenylpicrylhydrazine radical which was measured colourimetrically. Substances which can perform this reaction can be considered as antioxidants & therefore radical scavengers (Mohammad, Dehpour, Ebrahimzadeh, & Fazel, 2009). DPPH radical scavenging activity was examined various extracts and found IC50 value reflects higher scavenging ability. Among the three different plant extracts tested, interestingly, in the DPPH radical scavenging activity of the methanol concentrates of Cadaba farinose exhibited DPPH radical scavenging potential comparable with that of standard ascorbate.
Superoxides could be produced in huge amounts by various biological processes. It is known to be more injurious to cellular components as an originator of the most ROS, contributing to tissue damage and many disorders (Halliwell, 1999). The methanolic extract of Cadaba farinose exhibited higher ability in scavenging superoxide anion radical when compared to the standard Quercetin.
The current trends, antioxidative activity of the herbs having more interest due to their possible use as natural additives to substitute synthetic ones. Among the three various extracts,methanolic extract of Cadaba farinose exhibited higher potency of antioxidant activity. These results indicate that methanol concentrates of Cadaba farinose might serve as a natural antioxidant, which may be useful in preventing free radical-induced diseases.
Funding support
Conflict of interest
The author declares that there is no conflict of interest