Yoga a Curative Therapy to Treat Multiple Sclerosis

Faculty of Pharmacy, Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Dr. M.G.R. Educational and Research Institute, Velappanchavadi, Chennai-77, Tamil Nadu, India


Multiple sclerosis (MS) is characterised as an autoimmune disease originated from Central nervous system affecting the neurons Greymatter no evidence for treatment. Many recent approaches as alerted for treating for disease-modifying therapies for the treatment of multiple sclerosis no remedy has occurred for complete curative for MS. In this review, the author has pioneered the measures to control MS from its symptoms by using physical exercise yoga therapy. Yoga therapy has a beneficial role in controlling MS. The best practice of breathing exercise which we all of us do every day without thought becomes a most powerful tool when we all can become aware of how your daily breathing affects every part of your body control. By learning how to focus awareness on your breathing, you can observe how your mind can feel calmer, and your body becomes relaxed. Hence Yoga practice can be the best medicine to treat multiple sclerosis.


Yoga, Multiple sclerosis, remyelination, Physical exercise, Balance therapy, destress


MS causes demyelination of the central nervous system is characterised with neurodegeneration,along with inflammation, axonal demyelination and transaction. This disease has both types of acute and chronic nature, mostly chronic nature, affects young people, especially women, are affected. It can be diagnosed and identified in the age group of below ten years and above 40years (Farooqi, Gran, & Constantinescu, 2010). The chronic cause of multiple sclerosis observed to be insignificant mental and physical symptoms and irreversible neurologic deficits, less muscle strength, ataxia, continuous tremor, spasticity, paralysis, balance disorder, cognitive impairment, loss of eye vision, vertigo, impaired swallowing and slurred speech, sensory deficits, bladder and bowel dysfunction, pain, fatigue, and depression. Motor dysfunctions occur MS patients are frequently due to muscle weakness, abnormal walking mechanics, balance problems, spasticity and prolonged fatigue (Büssing, Michalsen, Khalsa, Telles, & Sherman, 2012).

Yoga is practised mostly in India that combines the elements of body and mind awareness. Yoga incorporates the mind and body practice together, which controls both inhale and exhale process, physical activities, mental relaxation—many different forms of Yoga to diverse practices.

Yoga and mental health

Yoga has a good effect on treating mental health. A descriptive study of yogic breathing has a vital role in controlling depression. But still, clinical data proof to be considered Yoga as an excellent therapy to relieve depression. There are two types of control in breathing according to passive control yoga therapy sounds effective (Mooventhan & Nivethitha, 2017). The study data are not sufficient to analyse quantitatively and qualitatively whether Mulitple sclerosis will be cured by performing asanas as they are more effective as compared with mediation breathing based Pranayama. Hence strong a need to study methodological quality and larger patients samples (Dalgas & Stenager, 2012).

Role of Yoga on curing multiple sclerosis

Yoga is a Sanskrit name in which yuj stands for "to join" relates the union of body, spirit and neural cells, Initial Yoga has been originated from India 5000 years ago has composed of numerous types such as Asanas, Pranayama, Dhyana. Maharshipatanjali explained other forms of Yoga called Astanga Yoga (Hasanpour, 2016). This Astanga yoga involves eight forms of Yoga which is divided into two parts one is the external part as ‘Bahirang’, and the other part is internal acting known as Antarangayoga. First five parts such as “Yamas,Niyamas, Asana, Pranayama, Pratyahara” are categorised in external aspects of Yoga, and last three Dharana, Dhyana, Samadhi are included in internal aspects of Yoga. Several research studies focused by doing yoga practice daily may reduce pain, relieve stress, lowers fatigue, suppress anxiety, calms depression and enhanced limb strength, Improved balance, balanced self-efficacy improvement on walking speed, well-balanced hip and pelvucangles. Numerous researches have been made to analyse the impact of yogic practice to relieve MS symptoms. Yoga has an impact on mental and physical health, Neurological dysfunction and motor symptoms and their balance are explained in this review (Aboud & Schuster, 2019).

Limitations in yoga Therapy on MS patients

In certain case studies, there were found that no control groups so yoga efficacy can be determined by combining with other group control interventions hence it becomes a difficult task to answer the effect of yoga therapy alone (Alphonsus, Su, & D’Arcy, 2019). Patients were not blinded for interventions which lead to intercept for the best improvement, which affects the final practice data. yoga practice for treating MS may vary from weeks, days and months, hence prolong therapy of Yoga were expecting, which requires for exploring improvement task in MS patients (Rogers & MacDonald, 2015).

The research studies lack the exact interrelation between yoga practices and progressions of disease in patients further it can be analysed via neuro capture imaging techniques and analysis of cerebrospinal fluid.

Interaction of yoga therapy on MS patient

The exact mechanism of Yoga not clear, but it is covered in this review, yoga therapy influences the level of raised biomarkers such as ACTH and cortisol, which has vital role (Frank & Larimore, 2015). Yoga manages symptoms like anger, pain symptoms associated with MS (Field, 2016). The crucial role of yoga therapy improves the level of opioid endorphins, and hence it decreases inflammation via immunosuppression. Meditation improved the standard quality of living style, physical exercise and other satisfaction promote a healthy lifestyle. It improves concentration, the ability of attention or focus, stamina of walking, utilising balance mechanism in MS disease patients (Guner & Inanici, 2015).

Future perspective of yoga therapy on Ms patients

Yoga therapy has proved a promising effect on modifying the symptoms of MS patients can be diagnosed by verifying the levels of the biomarkers. Hence final determination has to do how yoga interventions have development in MS by determining the level of biomarkers.


Further studies should be expanded weather change of biomarkers has any role in relapsing the symptoms of biomarkers. Determination of control groups in yoga interventions, advanced clinical manifestations and its techniques with appropriate quantifiable parameter required to determine the safety and significant role of Yoga therapy to relieve symptoms in MS patients for obtaining a resound conclusion which would be better to correlate with self-identified data for treatment and enhancement.


We thank Dr.M.G.R. Educational and Research Institute for providing the facility for completing this work.

Conflict of Interest

The authors declare that they have no conflict of interest for this study.

Funding Support

The authors declare that they have no funding support for this study.