Role of Ayurveda for Poor and Pandemics (Covid19) – A Review article
The goal of Ayurveda is prevention is better than cure. There are a total of 9152 COVID-19 cases reported in India (till April 13, 2020), 308 people were died because of this disease, and 856 patients were treated successfully in our Country. This virus can easily affect or harm those individuals who have an infection, less immunity and especially who all have been aged more than sixty. Most of the countries are worried only for their people's life (health). In contrast, the developing countries like India that has a large population have to consider about the livelihood for people like Below Poverty Line (BPL) or those living in slum areas, equally with their life. The main aim of the article is to aware the people not only Urban but also among Rural and needy individuals to adopt the Ayurveda lifestyle during Covid19 outbreak. For this to study various methods which are described in Ayurveda for boosting immunity among various individuals. This study is a review type of article. All information and references have been collected and compiled from various available Ayurvedic classics texts. Research articles are also searched from various websites related to Covid19 outbreak and its effect on needy individuals. All matters have been analysed for some discussion, and an attempt has been made to rule out some conclusions. During this lockdown, people are mostly living a sedentary lifestyle which not only weakens their immune system but also make them more susceptible to infections. Hence Ayurveda is a science of life that is mainly focusing on strengthening persons by boosting their immune system through improving our lifestyle by using medicines, diets, meditation and activities like Yoga. This article will give insights about poor people and effective strategy to threat COVID-19 through Ayurveda in India.
Ayurveda, Immunity, Rural, Sedentary life, Urban, Virus
Ayurveda is not merely medical science, but it is the science of life. Ayurveda aims to prevent disease and to maintain health. It is the only science of treatment except for Ayurveda which elaborates the basic principles of a healthy life.
It is shown that because of living conditions “millions” of homeless people and those living in areas like the slums across Country are at high risk of contracting the Coronavirus. In India, 4 million people do not have proper shelter to live in urban areas, with more than 70 million living in slum areas. Some of the significant issues in such areas were housing arrangements range from sharing various resources and having community access to sanitation and water facilities, having no access to protective measures like sanitisers, gloves and masks, which are very expensive and scarce for BPL people. If this virus reaches in densely populated areas with slum homes, it will infect thousands of poor people who lack awareness about this pandemic and its effects, the need for spreading awareness among them regarding maintaining health and hygiene is significant (Lu et al., 2020).
Role of Ayurveda during Pandemics |
1] Manage Agni and Avoid Build up Ama |
2] Attend to the three pillars, or trayopstambh. |
3] Meditate |
4] Follow a Kapha pacifying protocol in Spring. |
5] Supporting health with Herbs |
6] Honor Nature |
Because each BPL family is more susceptible to get a higher risk of exposure to this virus which can also spread the infection to other people in society, because of this inequality in their lifestyle which is felt by poor they put the other people in the community at risk (Zhang, Shen, Chen, & Lin, 2020).
With this lockdown suspending all forms of work for weeks, India's most underdeveloped regions are facing poverty and deprivation. Families in rural areas or slum areas in India are having fewer meals, borrowing money for their survival because of having very little saving money and poor social living and they are brave enough to face police violence to go out and work and get some cash for their survival which made them more susceptible towards infection (Kumar, Malviya, & Sharma, 2020).
As we know, this Coronavirus is a Pandemic disease. Because of which people from all over the world are in a panic, all the schools, cities, roads everything is closed, and this is a very critical time everybody has to stay at their home with their family. During this lockdown, people are mostly living a sedentary lifestyle which not only weakens their immune system but also make them more susceptible towards infections.
Hence Ayurveda is a science of life that was mainly focusing on strengthening persons by boosting their immune system through improving our lifestyle by using medicines, diets, meditation and activities like Yoga. Because of not having proper hygiene and water facilities, to having no access to protective measures like sanitisers, gloves and masks, which are very expensive and scarce for the impoverished community. Boosting immunity through Ayurveda plays a vital role during this pandemic (Kumar, 2020; Kumar et al., 2020).
Results and Discussion
Ayurveda could ensure that people will remain healthy and survive this virus. But this does not claim that through Ayurveda, we could prevent Coronavirus infection. At the same time, it could improve the immunity of people to keep healthy to face this virus by having proper lifestyle through Ayurved that is following Dinacharya, Ritucharya, Sadavrutta and also focusing on janapadavamsa treatment. Because of not having proper hygiene and water facilities, to having no access to protective measures like sanitisers, gloves and masks, which are very expensive and scarce for the impoverished community. Boosting immunity through Ayurveda plays an essential role during this pandemic (Shuklar & Tripathi, 2017).
Recommendations on prevention for populations living in impoverished regions:- Research suggests than people with suffering from pre-existing medical diseases, like diabetes, respiratory disorders and heart disease, as well as people who live in slums and densely populated areas, are more vulnerable to this virus, because of pre-existing medical conditions (Dong, Du, & Gardner, 2020; Phelan, Katz, & Gostin, 2020).
Ayurveda is an ancient science with wisdom and knowledge to help keep our bodies healthy and free from disease. When we can keep the balance of our Agni, effectively expel Ama(undigested food) from the body and keep ojas strong, we can stop vyadhi and pathogens from moving deeper into the strotas (systems) of our body. Ayurveda mainly focuses on preventative medicine versus the western or allopathic medical approach, which most often addresses an issue once a disease has already arrived (Kumar, 2020; Kumar et al., 2020).
Role of Ayurveda during Pandemics Available in Table 1.
To fulfil the motto of Ayurveda and according to modern 'disease better than cure' the Importance of Dinacharya, Ritucharya, Sadvrutta in the present scenario.
The main ayurvedic aim is to build immunity among individual during the midst of the Coronavirus. Ayurveda encourages every individual to take this pandemic as an opportunity to improve their daily lifestyle, eating and hygiene practices to boost their immune system, as a precautionary measure to protect themselves from this pandemic and any future health epidemics to come.
We are living in such unstable eras where climate change, poverty, as well as humanitarian and environmental hazards, are commonplace. This current state of the world describes our disharmony with nature and affects every individual, regardless of age, race, sex and social status.
Ayurveda also describes many principles which are related to public health such as infectious disease, immunity, nutrition etc. But This article will give insights about poor people and a proper strategy to deal with COVID-19 through Ayurveda in India.
Role of Ayurveda
Ayurveda has many different fundamental principles such as Dinacharya (daily routine), Ritucharya (seasonal routine), Sadavrutta, Vyadhikshamatva, Trayopastambha, Rasayana, Vajikarana, Dharanaiya & Adharaniya (Shuklar et al., 2017).
Whenever any etiological factors came in contact with the body, it results in vyadhi. Our body tries to resist this vyadhi either to avoid its Stanasamshraya (Manifestation) or to suppress the intensity of the disease. And this power of the body resistance to prevents the development of vyadhi or resistance the strength (Bala) of vyadhi (disease) together called as "Vyadhikshamatva" or body's defensive mechanism or immunity. In Charaka Samhita Vyadhikshamatva can be understood as – Immunity of body (Sharira Bala), opposite to the Disease Strength (Vyadhi Bala) which is already manifested is "Vyadhi Bala-Virodhitva" and Sharira Bala, which oppose the manifestation of the Vyadhi (Immunity for the disease) that is "Vyadhi-utpadak-pratibaandhakatva" (Patel, Baghel, Vasaiya, Kumar, & Bhagiya, 2017).
Importance of Dinacharya During Janapada Dvamsa
In Charaka Samhita, the Chapter which describes worldwide epidemics is “Janapada Dvamsa Vyadhi". In this Chapter, Charaka describes that this is an excellent opportunity that we should remain at our home. During this lockdown period, it is essential to follow our dinacharya that is Daily regime. Which starts from waking up early in the morning (Bramha-muhurta), brushing our teeth, Jivha Nirlekhana (scraping tongue), Achmana (rinsing mouth) and Ushna Jala Sevana (drinking hot or warm water).
Kwath which is having ginger, cinnamon and guda (Jaggery), Tea which is made with tulsi, or even mint, cinnamon and Guda. These herbal teas boost our energy. So, Ayurveda has a great way of prevention. Keeping our Agni (digestive fire) strong we can prevent ourselves from being infected, and for that, we have to follow our dinacharya. It is the first important thing that Ayurveda recommends every individual (Divas & Digital Collaborator, 2020).
Importance of Pranayama for Boosting Immunity
Acharya Charak also describes the importance of Pranayama in dinacharya. There are eight important pranayama exercises, 1)Suryabhrdana 2)Ujjayi, 3)Sheetkari, 4)Sheet, 5)Bhastrika, 6)Bhramari, 7)Murcha, 8)Platini. By performing these eight types of beneficial Pranayama, our immune system will get strengthened up. It cleanses our srotas which includes our pranavaha srotas (respiratory system), our Rasa vaha srotas (lymphatic system), and thus we can build our immune system. Srotas are an important part of our body. Normal the functioning of srotas, normal is our health. By performing this Pranayama it will also maintain the balance of ojas (immunity, strength), prāna (vital life force) and Agni(digestive power) in our body (Shukla & Tripathi, 2017).
This way, we can clean our srotas and boost our immunity to keep Coronavirus away. Another way to boost energy is to perform yogasana or Suryanamaskara. Some interesting Yogasanas are Ardha Matsyendrasana, Matsyasana, Uttanasana, Ushtrasana, Balasana, Dhanurasana, Bhujangasana, Tadasana, Vrksasana and Setu bandhasana or by just doing Surya Namaskar it will work (Janmejaya, 2013).
Importance of Suryanamaskar
In Samhitas, it is explained that our body is made up of Sapta dhatus (seven bodily tissues) and there are total 12 essential poses of Surya Namaskar. So we have to perform seven rounds minimum and 12 rounds maximum for Surya Namaskar. Importance of Meditation is also mentioned as it is claimed that health is not only bodily but also mentally healthy.
For mental health, meditation plays an essential role; we can Chant Hum or OM during meditation. For this, we have to sit silently in Vajrasana, Padmasan etc. pose. This is an excellent way to perform meditation. While performing meditation, we will feel our inner joy and beauty. By sitting quietly, we can explore our presence, and it calms our mind and soul. Our awareness is Sat Chit Anand (Janmejaya, 2013).
Importance of Ayurveda During Pandemics
There is a beautiful message from Acharya Charaka in the chapter “Janapada Dvamsa Vyadhi", which states that during epidemics, they performed doom doomasvanadyay. People in their era would play the drums during outbreaks. Even in India today, when our prime minister addressed everyone that they can honour those people who are working to fight against this Coronavirus by clapping or ringing a bell in their home. Even when we are at our home, we worship god daily or performs rituals and do aarati (offering of light during worship to god). The other people in our house claps while doing aarati. The sound produced while clapping is nothing but a generating sound of marma (vital points).
This clapping strengthens our immunity or energy because it is a marma of critical organs like lungs, heart, brain and kidneys. This process of clapping generated in our marma will send a message to our vital internal organs. This is also one of the doom doomasvaniaydahya. Just like we chant OM hence doom doom is also nothing but a mantra. By Chanting this as it is very creative, it sends positive vibrations to higher Centers of our body. By all these measures, we can strengthen not only ourselves but also will improve our family, neighbours and our friends so that we will stand, share and fight with this pandemic together (Lad, 2020).
The main goal of Ayurveda is prevention is better than cure. India has stood strong enough to protect through several epidemics and pandemics. Ayurveda does not claim to cure corona, but it will help to protects every individual by improving its immunity. This is the main aim towards using Ayurvedic medicines is that if we don't have any perfect way or strategy to destroy our enemy, then the best way is to protect ourselves by having an efficient and robust shield. Coronavirus is a severe disease, and we are very sensitively approaching this as a brand. By Regularly consuming powerful Ayurvedic herbs not only boosts our immunity system but also helps by keeping even the most dreaded infectious diseases away. Nowadays, people are adopting so many preventive aspects for a healthy lifestyle and for that they are taking Ayurvedic Science seriously. And many people are now moving towards organic food and lifestyle, and Ayurveda helps them as a precautionary measure.
We have been able to eradicate many diseases by having proper medical care and efficient researches which made it possible to fight every infection. It is also an unfortunate reality that India will have to face more outbreaks such as Coronavirus in the days to come but being prepared to fight against it has to be given importance and control of the spread of Coronavirus should be one of the priority amongst doctor and other health workers. This Coronavirus as a pandemic is not only expanding economic and social divisions but also makes this virus a deadlier one, a self-encouraging cycle that experts warn could have several effects for years to come. And Ayurveda plays a vital role in it.