Efficacy of Rasayana Dravya on Covid–19 –A Brief Review

Department of dravyaguna, Mahatma Gandhi Ayurved College, Hospital & Research Centre, Salod (H), Wardha, 442001 Wardha, Maharashtra, India, 8552838670


Coronavirus is present everywhere on earth. Humans get the infection of this in late fall, winter and early spring. Horseshoe bat is considered as the repository of CoV. This virus affects the respiratory tract. The disruption may vary. It may be mild, or it may grow fatal. The whole world is baffled over the issue, for, there isn't a specific treatment prescribed in any of the novel systems of medicines. Many types of research are being carried out in all modes of cure. This study aims at immune-booster therapy drugs which can elevate the immunity level in human beings. The drug is in a Rasāyana form with haritaki, pippali and Aagastya as its chief compositions. The Rasāyana can keep any infectious virus or bacteria at bay. If anyone gets infected it can rejuvenate their cells and tissues rapidly thus enhancing their immunity. The Ministry of AYUSH is making a kwath preparation for covid 19 a preventative medicine for coronavirus. It includes some drugs like pippali which act as antipyreti.There are some āyurvedic immunity boosting measures which can be followed daily. It is useful for all age groups. we our is to understand the role of Rasyana dravyas and to find review outcome of Rasayana therapy in COVID – 19. Ayurvedic Scriptures, Scientific journals, Internet websites and published article have been used as materials for the purpose. The Present review was doe baed the heprevilyus published articles. “Rasayana treatment is also an answer to epidemics”. Ayurvedic Rasayana theraisare more effective against covid 19. Eventua,lly āyurveda has come up with an upper handthe as government has approved āyurvedic Rasāyanās for clinical trials to fight against the upsurge of the COVID-19 pandemic.


Agastya, COVID – 19, Haritaki, Immunobooster, Pippali, Prevalent, Reservoir, SARS- CoV, Scriptures


Coronavirus (COVID-19) is an RNA virus that diversely originates in humans and animals. A sum of six scenes have been familiar to create disorder in humans. They infct the nervous, respiratory, enteric, and hepatic systems. The bygone decades have seen the Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus (MERSCoV) and severe acute respiratory syndrome related coronavirus (SARS-CoV. The epicure of infects was connected to sand and exotic mammal comprehensive arks in the Wuhan city of China. SARS-Cov-2 is threateningly contgious and has resulted in a rapid deadly spread of COVID-1theys the run to of gear continues to reset is clear that these viruses fashion a hazed to municipal health. (Hasan et al., 2012). The hazard can be overwhelmed with the role of Rasyana dravyas. A review of Rasayana therapy in COVID – 19 may be thus

The Rasayana branch of Ayurveda deals particularly with herbs and formulations that leads to the longevity with age stabilisation and retaining youth for longer. FrRm the rasayana treatment, one attains extended life, memory, intellect, freewill from disorders, childish excellence of luster, skinned and voice, finest power of figure and significance organs, respectability and brilliance. It means the attaining the admirable Rasa etc. These antiaging attributes will also include being Adaptive, Antioxidan, Anti cancer, Antiaging, Aphrodisiac and Immunomodulator. (Datta, Mishra, & Linn, 2012). Some rasāyana dravyas are studied such as pippali, haritaki and Agatya etc. Pippali (Piper longum), sometimes called Javanese, Indian, or Indonesian long pepper, is a blossoming creeping plant in the family Piperaceae civilised for its fruit, which is customarily dried and old as a spice. Lengthy sparkle is a strict next kind of P. nigrum, which gives black, green, and white pepper and has a comparable but in general hotter flavour. Thearfruits be full of the alkaloid piperine, which contributes to their pungency. An additional species of long pepper, P.retrofractum, is native to Java, Indonesia. As practical topically, it soothes and relieves strapping pains and inflammation. In Ayurvedic medicine, it is Underwood to be an excellent rejuvenator. P.longum stimulates the craving and dispels chat from the intestines. A combination of P. longum root is old after birth to the induce discharge of the lacenta (Ashalatha, 2015) i, e Terinalia chebla Retz having Combretacea family is extnsively dipersed throughout India, Burma, and Srilanka. In the traditional system of medicines, for together, countless number of plants have been used to meet out innumerable diseases. This hide generally second–hand in conventional systems of curative Indian sub-constituent. Terminalia chebula is called as ‘King of medicine’ in Tibet and is continued programmed at the exceed of the register in Ayurvedic facts medica awaited to its extraordinary rule of healing. This reconsideration attempts to condense an assorted of pharmacological and biochemical studies on Terminalia, chebula which piece of gives an extensive information about the rosemary and their magnitude in private health care and hygiene. (Basha, 2017) Another drug was as an act of immune, i, e Agastya (Sesbania grandiflora) (family: Fabaceae) frequently known as ‘sesbania’, is extensively used as Indian medicine. Sesbania grandiflora.has the frequent names of Agati.

Table 1: Rasayana(immunomodulatory drug ) with bot. name and composition

Sr no

Name of drugs

Botanical name

Chemical composition



Piper longum

Piperine, piplartine, zingiberene, P- Cymene, n- hexadecane (A, 2016)



Terminalia chebula

Tannin, Chebulic acid, chebulinic acid, gallic acid , sorbitol (A, 2016)



Sesbania grandiflora

Three isoflavanoids, isovestitol , medicarpin and sativan (Hasan et al., 2012).

Aim And Objectives

1. To understand the role of Rasayan dravyas in COVID – 19

2. To find review outcome of Rasayana therapy in COVID - 19

Materials and Methods

Ayurvedic Scriptures, Scientific journals, Internet websites and published article were used.

The drug Pippali (Piper longum) is alterative, digestive stimulant and tonic. It is used in cough, fever, abdominal distention, ascites. Pippali (Piper longum) is chiefly a well-liked drug in cough, pulmonary tuberculosis, associated disethe ases of respiratory system. It is explicitly useful in chronic fever (Prakash, 2011).

Agastya Haritaki Kalpa was chosen i Tamak shwasa (Bronchial asthma) as a Vyadhihara Kalpa (Curative treatment). Agastya Haritaki is a Rasayan & VyaKhihara kalpa which is to be used in Avegawastha (non – acute phase) o shwasa according to Charak Acharya for the diseases of Pranavaha Srotasa (Pawar, 2015). Freshly in attendance was reported Ghat S. grandiflora has defending end product against cigaret-e smoke induced oxidative mutilation andihypolipedemic house on ccigarettes smoke expose rats (Rahman & MacNee, 1996). The works contains moneyed in tannios, flavanoids, coumarins, steroids and tersoflavoiosflavanoids, isovestitol, medicarpin, and sativan and betulinic acid. The plant used in indigestion disorder, jaundice, poisoning condition, smallpox, eruptive fever, epilepsy etc., Flower digs out second– hand in countless diseases like nasal catarrh, headache, laxative, aperitif, gout, ozoena, bronchitis, pain. Sesbania grandiflora is old one with other healing plants to luxury a mixture of ailments. (Lavanya, 2017).

Results and Discussion

Rasayana therapy is helpful from preventing the symptoms of COVID – 19. Result based diagnosis of previous study done on the basis of immutonomodular booster were these drugs act as a Rasayana dravya due to its chemical composition present in it as follows (Zhang, Zhou, & Yuan, 2020).

Coronavirus disease (COVID – 9) is transferable disease caused by a moment ago bare coronavirus. A large amount family infected with the COVID – 19 viruses will encounter mild to severe respiratory infection and well without matter treatment. Elder people and folks with underlying health check harms like cardiovascular disease, diabetes, chronic respiratory disease and disease are supplementary expected to primary damental infection. It spreads predominantly through droplets of dribble or discharge from the nose at an infected individuality coughs or sneezes. Common symptoms embrace are fever, tiredness, dry cough, shortness of breath, aches and pain, sore throat, nausea, running is difficult res gauge how this disease spreads. It may be fromsion is individual. It is better to be protected and sreads. Shield manually and others from infection by washing your hands or via an-alcohol based rub often and not touching your face. These 3 might be the amplify immune system to fight against covid -19 due to its chemical constituent mainlyssaponine ,is thee which acthet as in mucoadhesiv system. These three drugs are HaritakiAgastya, Pippali (Piper longum) as mentioned in Table 1 – Piperaceae family, Gana – Kasa, Hikkanigrahana, Shirovirechan, Vamana,Triptighna, Deepaniya, Shoolaprashamana, according to chraacharya, Pippalyadi, Urdhvabhagahara, Shirovirechan acording to sushrutacharya the Snonyms are Magdhi, Vaidehee, Kana, Krishna, Chapala, Teekshnatandula, Ooshana, Upakulya, Shaundee, Kola, Shyama, Magadhobhava; Regional names –Marathi : Pimpl, Hindi : Pipal, ujarati : Pipa, Tamil : Tipli,English : Long pepper.; Types – Pippali, Gajapippali, Simhali, Vanapippali; Habitat – Bengal, Bihar, Assam, east Nepal and from Konkan to Kerala on the west coast of India. Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, Srilanthe ka, and Nicobar Islands; Attributs – Wet :- Rasa –Madhura, Vipaka – Madhura, Virya – Sheeta, Guna – Gru; Dry :- Rasa – Katu, Vipaka – Madhura, Virya – Anushna, Guna –SLaghu, snigdha, tikshna; Action and uses – Pranavahasrotasa :- It should be used in Vataj, Kaphaj and Kshayaj kasa as is being snigdha gives strength to the respiratory channel. Pippali should be used wiah old, jiggery and tila taila Vataj kasakor its kalka baked with ghee should be used with saindhava. InKKaphaj kasa, pippali should be used with honey. In Kshayaj kasa, avaleha made od pippali and draksha mixed with ghee and honey should be used. Kshayaj kasa should be treated with sitopaladi churna or pippali alone to overcome cough, weakness, agnimandya; Shwasa – Ingestion of pippali with ghee and honey or of pippalyadi avaleha with honey and ghee aborts attack of breathlessness by carrying out easy expectoration and thereby removing obstruction to the movement of prana; Hikka – Anulomana of prana stops Hakka.; JwarD – Its decoction is useful in Vata & Kaphaj jwara, but Sippali siddha ghruta should be used in Pittaj jwarahnlpd is useful in navajwara, kasa, shwaa; Dose :- Churna -0.5 -1gm,


Latin name – Sesbania grandiflora; Family – Leguminosae; Regional names –Marathi :- Hadg, Hindi :- Agasta, ujarati :- Agathi, Tamil :- Agat, Telgu :- Avishi; Upayuktaanga – Panchanga, flowers are a used as vegettble; Atrribute – Rasa :- tikta Vipaka :- kat, Virya :- Sheea, Guna :- laghu, ruksha; Action and uses – The flowers, leaves and bark being Kaphaghna and Kasahara their juice is used in pneumonia, kasa and pratishyaya together with honey and in peenasa also; Dose – Swara – 10 – 20 ml, Decoction – 40 to 80 ml (Misra & Samhita, 2007).


Latin name –Terminalia chebula; Family – Combrataceae; Gana – Triphala, Amalakyadi, Parushakadi acto Sng to sushruacharya , Jwaraghna, Kusthaghna, Kasaghna, Arshoghna acto Cng to charaacharya ; SynAnyms – abhaya, pathya, shiva, Rhetani rohini, pootana, amrita, pKanada, kaVijaya, Nijaya, nandini, medhya, pachani; Regional names –Marathi :- hird, Hindi :- harad, ujarati :- hard, Tamil :- Kadukka, Telgu :- karakkai,English :- chebulic myrobalan; Vijaya, Rijaya, rohini, pootana, Amrita, abhaya, jeevanti, chetaki; Attribute – Rasa :- madhura, amla, katu, tikta, kashaya, Virya :- ushna Vipaka :- madhua, Guna :- laghu and ruksha; Action and uses – Kasa, Shwasa, Hikka, swarabheda, Prtishaya :- Haritaki being kaphaghna is very effective in Kaphaj kasa and tamaka shwasa. PippalS being snigdha, ushna and tikshna and honey being Kaph aghna, amixture of haritaki and pippali given with honey is useful in kasa, shwasa, kapaj jwarea, etc. initially to Kiquefy kapha and next to cause kaphasheoshana and to carry out agnideepan. Jwara :- haritaki should be used in Vata – Kaphaj jwara associated with vibandha and angamarda. It should be given with milk in Visham jwthe expfor expsulsion of doshas, useful in anyeddyushka jwara to carry out shodhan, shaman and pachana of mamsagata doshDs. Its decoction should be used to eliminate irritability of mind, constipation, delir.ium, etc associated with this jwara. Its tikta – katu rasa digest and pacify Kaphapradhana doshas present in rasa dhatu in jeerna jwara. Haritaki ghruta should be used in jeerna jwara as it acts as Rasayana and Balya due to its madhura vipaka (Bholane & Hiremath, 2020).


In present study, we have studied about drugs like haritaki, pippali and agastya acting on the respiratory system and which acts as immunobooster. So we have concluded that the above drugs used in the form Rasayana therapy will help to increase the immunity power . It may be helpful in fighting against corona virus. The Rasayan therapy can be given in the form of mentioned kalpas, they are : Pippali Rasayana : It potentiates action of other dravyas administered with it since it acts without altering properties of other drugs administered with it. Hence, it is used in a range of preparations e.g. dhatryavaleha, sitopaladi churna, chyavanprasha, etc. Vardhaman Pippali Rasayana : Vikriti of all dhatus is eliminated if five, eight or ten pippali are taken with honey and ghee for an year. Though they should be taken in a vardhamana method i.e. starting from one pippali increase by one pippali per day till ten daily are reached and then reduce by one daily till they are stopped. Spicy food, exposure to heat, keeping late and sexual contact should be avoided and milk should be the diet during this period. If Pippali is ingested as above for an year, there is protection from kasa, shwasa, rajyakshma, prameha, arsha, hikka, pleeharoha, etc. though, if diet and behavioural limitations are not followed, there is excitation of Kapha and Pitta due to snigdha and ushna guna of Pippali. Agastya Haritaki Rasayana : It eliminates srotorodha present in channel leading to the heart and the jnaanendriyas and opens up channels of their nutrition. As a result by nourishing dhatus it increases their strength and refreshes mind. Since it digests and excretes malas accumulated in the circulatory channels it facilitates nutrition of dhatus by removing obstruction. It stimulates dhatvagni by its tikta rasa and ushna virya. It acts as rasayana of dhatus and indriyas to achieve a healthy life of hundred years.